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note: this is a spicy chapter, read at your own discretion.

BONUS CHAPTER: the wedding

It was a rainy season, like always in Forks, but it didn't stop Alice from glaring at every rain cloud her amber eyes laid upon. She tried to convince the couple to have a destination wedding, pretty much anywhere other than Forks and when Clary suggested La Push or Volterra just to annoy the pixie-like vampire, Alice shut up and moved on. She understood why the girl was strict about having her wedding in their town but it still didn't stop her from wishing that Clary changed her mind. At the sound of thunder rumbling in the sky, Alice stomped her foot and cursed the clouds. The wedding was a few days away and she knew the chances of the ceremony being clouded by rain she was glad the couple picked an indoor venue.

"Why do you look like someone pissed in your cereal?" Alice made a face before turning to acknowledge her almost sister-in-law.

"This weather. I hate it." Alice grumbled, her lips forming into a pout.

"It rains every day, Alice. Shouldn't you be used to it by now?" Clary teased her. The girl stepped closer to the window and peered up at the grey sky peeking through the trees. "It doesn't seem so bad."

"Rain on a wedding day is a bad omen," Alice informed her.

"Maybe I'd be more concerned if we didn't leave in probably the wettest city in the country." Clary chuckled. "Plus I'm marrying a vampire, isn't that a bad omen in itself?"

"Your sarcasm isn't helping." Alice glared at her.

"Alice everything'll be fine." Clary placed a hand on the girl's back and tried to reassure her. She wanted to laugh at how reversed the situation was. She was the bride but the wedding planner was the one having a meltdown. "Trust me, it'll all go according to plan."

She jinxed herself. Everything was not going fine. A few hours later and the florist decided to cancel, leaving Alice devastated and Clary scrambling to find another one. The Cullen household was in a frenzy. The men had taken Emmett on a hunting trip for his bachelor party and the women all crowded around the kitchen as they all scoured the internet for another option.

"This is all your fault!" Alice pointed at Clary, her eyes narrowed and full of frustration.

"Excuse me for trying to help!" Clary snapped at her. Esme approached her and placed a soothing hand on her back. Clary's tense stature instantly relaxed and she smiled gratefully at the woman. "Look, there's a florist in Seattle I haven't called yet. I'll have Rose call them and if they say no, then we're picking some roses from the bushes outside and calling our theme rustic." Esme chuckled softly at the girl's rambling and faced her daughter.

"I'll go talk to Rosalie. Alice, why don't you call the caterer and double-check with them?" Alice nodded and walked away. "Clary, are you okay?"

"I will be." Clary sighed softly. "I think the stress of it all is finally getting to me."

Esme eyed her carefully. She knew it had to be more than that but the girl wasn't giving anything away. "I'm here if you need to talk."

"I know." Clary watched her walk away and she hesitantly placed a hand on her stomach. She was more than sure she was about to be a mother again, Eli having been the one to tell her. He was laying on her lap one morning after another of his semi-growth spurts - the boy now the height of a six-year-old - when he told her he could hear another heartbeat. That was a week ago and she knew the trimesters for humans impregnated by vampires were a short one and she hoped her bump stayed minimal, she wanted Emmett to be the first to know. Not an angry Alice as she fussed over altering her custom-made gown. "Just two more days." She whispered to herself.

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon