sixty nine

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I had fallen asleep during the short time it took us to get to Sam and Emily's so I missed the awkward exchange that occurred between Seth and Sam. It wasn't until we got to Port Angeles that I was filled in.

"So he didn't tell you anything?" I was still shocked by the whole thing.

"No! He just did that creepy stare. He was brooding and between that and the stares, I thought I was a goner." Seth sighed. I knew he was being slightly overdramatic about the whole thing but I wanted to indulge him.

"Oh Seth, thank goodness you got out of it alive." I giggled. He turned his head to look at me and the glare he gave me could rival Sam's.

"You're mocking me aren't you?" He muttered slowly.

"Only a little." He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Seth you know he wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

"And how do you know that?" He hummed.

"Because of your Dad. He wouldn't cross that line." I reminded him. "Jacob's a different story but you're different."

"I guess so." He didn't look too convinced but he also didn't seem to care either. "Ready to shop till you drop?"

"Always." I grinned. He looped my arm through him as we followed Sue and Emily into a store. The second I walked into the cute little store I was reminded of just how real everything was and I felt myself start to tear up. "Stupid hormones." I cringed and wiped away a tear. "So where do you think we should start?"

"Well I have a crib in storage, it just needs to be put together, which Seth can do." Seth huffed but didn't argue with his Mom. "We can go to the market later and buy diapers and bottles and such but for now let's get you a stroller and some stuff for the crib and onesies."

"A stroller? Isn't it too soon for that?" I questioned.

"Maybe but you can never be too prepared especially when it comes to babies." She was right. I knew she was, it was just overwhelming. I had no idea how to raise a baby much less prepare for one so turning to Sue for help was the best decision I ever made. "Seth, Clary, why don't you two go look at bedding while we get a stroller?"

"Okay." The two ladies left without another word from us. Seth pointed out the area we needed to be in and the two of us quietly walked over to it. I was trying not to dwell on the fact that it wasn't Emmett's hand I was holding but it was hard not to. I didn't mean to think of Seth as a distraction or a replacement but I guess in a way, he sort of was. An unintentional one.

"What about this one?" Seth gestured to the first crib set he saw. It was cute enough but I wanted to stray from the traditional blue beddings, so I shook my head.

"I was thinking of something with red. I don't want to go the traditional route but I also don't want to do the grey theme either. So find me something red and then we'll be done." He grinned and let go of my hand. He walked down the aisle trying to find what I asked for and I suppressed a laugh as he made a strange yelp sound. "Find something?" I chuckled. He nodded and grabbed the bedding set off the shelf. "Really?"

"It fits your color scheme." He smirked. He brought it closer and I couldn't deny how cute the set looked.

"I can't give my kid a superhero-themed nursery." I sighed. "Alice would kill me."

"Oh come on! You'd be like the coolest mom ever." He swayed the set from side to side to add effect.

"Fine." I relented without much of a fight. "We'll get that one. But if Alice asks, I'm blaming you."

"I'll take it." He seemed more excited about the set than the baby probably will. "Speaking of them, how are things?" I shrugged before answering.

"Well, you already know Jasper is coming by later. And it's going okay with the others I suppose, well a few of them." I explained with a little sigh leaving my lips at the end.

"Rosalie still being hostile?" I chuckled, ignoring the little sly smirk he sent me.

"Last I saw her, yes. It's been a minute since I spoke to any of them, minus Esme and Jasper. Dom's kind of been ignoring me due to trying to save himself from Rose. Edward, well he's reached out because he's still curious about hearing baby Eli but he's in the same position as Dom, wifey wears the pants." I joked.

"And the others?"

"Alice calls every day to check-in. Carlisle too, but because Bella's worse off than me his attention is solely on her which I understand. And Jake calls but you already know how that one's going." We both laughed a little as we browsed the aisles. We wandered to the clothing section and he trailed behind me as I looked through the many racks of baby outfits. I could practically hear the wheels turning in his head as he second-guessed his next question.

"And Emmett?" And there it was. The dreaded question. Things were still rocky with him so I didn't know how to answer his question. I knew he wanted to know what everyone else wanted to know: Would Emmett be back around before the baby's born? And truthfully I didn't know. It hadn't been long since we went separate ways and I didn't know how long our break was going to last. Did I want him there? Yes. Did I want everyone to stop asking me so I'd have to stop explaining? Most definitely.

"Pass." He smacked his gums at my answer.

"This isn't a game show Clary. You can't just pass on a question you don't want to answer." He chuckled.

"Well that's what I just did and I'm locking in my answer so take it or leave it." I grinned. He nodded but didn't object. He knew what I was trying to do and he silently agreed to change the subject.

"So back on baby Eli then..." he trailed off and I knew he was more than likely to ask me a dumb question. "Have you decided if you're going to baptize him?" Guess it wasn't stupid at all.

"I'm not sure if I am," I answered as I handed him a cute little outfit to hold. "I can count on two hands how many times I've been to church and it was usually with my Dad so out of respect for him I feel like I should and also because I want him to have godparents but at the same time I don't feel like I need to do it."

"Couldn't you just have the whole ceremony thing without the religious aspect of it?"

"I could. I don't know, I haven't dwelled on it because I still have time before that comes." I shrugged.

"True, the world is not ready for baby Eli." Seth chuckled.

"Screw the world, I'm not ready!" I laughed. "I know when the time comes I will be but right now all I want to do is shit my pants because I'm so terrified."

"You're going to be a great mom Clary," Seth assured me.

"I sure hope so." We shared a smile before a small silence enveloped us. We had plenty to talk about but he knew when I needed a moment to just think about things and I sure did have a lot to think about.

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz