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Friday was my first cheerleading gig in Forks and the day of my first date with Emmett. I woke up with an exciting feeling coursing through me and I couldn't wait to see what Emmett had planned. He had texted me before I fell asleep to dress warmly and I had my outfit picked out and placed neatly on the hook in my closet.

I dressed in my cheerleading uniform for the day and paired it with a pair of nude tights and white Nikes. I put my hair into a high pony, did my make-up minimally, and deemed myself ready. I grabbed my backpack, and white hoodie, and raced outside to the truck where Bella sat waiting for me.

The ride to school was filled with mentions of my date with Emmett and Bella's trip to the beach. We were both excited and very impatient for our evenings to begin.

At school, no one seemed surprised to see me wearing the uniform and instead cheered "Go Spartans" every time I walked by. It didn't bug me but it did bug, Bella. She cringed every time someone shouted and vowed not to walk next to me for the rest of the day.

My classes flew by quickly, despite the teasing I endured from Emmett and Jasper, and my excitement only grew. I spent Lunch in the library once again, trying to complete the work from my afternoon classes that I'd have to miss. The cheerleaders needed to spend the last half of the school day setting the school up for the game. We placed banners, streamers, balloons, and foam fingers, all over the hallways. After the inside was completed, we had to decorate the bleachers outside and that nearly killed us all.

It was cold and we were all wearing skirts and we all regretted it. After all of the decorating was completed, we matched inside and headed straight to the cafeteria to get some hot chocolate. Now all we had to do was wait.


"And the Spartans win the first game of the season!" The announcer cheered. I yelled at the top of my lungs and watched Jennah race over to Asher, who was surprisingly on the football team. I cheered even louder as they shared a kiss and heard the other girls beside me swoon.

After things died down, I headed back to the locker room to grab my things before racing to the parking lot where Dad waited for me with his cruiser.

"We won!" I cheered as he started the car. He chuckled at my excitement and endured my babbling as he drove me home. Once we reached the house, he forced me to get out of his car and drove away, tired of my babbling. I laughed and ran inside. I threw my things on the floor by the door before racing up to the bathroom for a much-needed shower. I cleaned myself thoroughly, scrubbing every drop of sweat and dirt off.

"Clary hurry up before he gets here!" I heard Bella shout. I quickly rinsed all the suds off of me and out of my hair before shutting the water off, wrapping a towel around me, and scampering to my room. Bella was sitting on my bed with the blow dryer in her hands and she covered her eyes as I put my bra and underwear on. I sat on the floor in front of her as she got to work on my hair. Once my hair was completely dry and left in its natural waves, I only had ten minutes to finish getting ready. I slipped on a pair of high-waisted black skinny jeans, a grey blouse with white flowers on it, and my black combat boots.

Bella went downstairs to wait while I put my makeup on. I did my usual look but I added a line of eyeliner on my top lids. It took me a few tries to get the winged liner just right, but I managed. I was looking myself over when I heard the doorbell ring. I inwardly started to panic and rushed to put on my black jacket with a thin hoodie underneath and some simple black stud earrings before giving myself a final look of approval.

"He's here," Bella said as she appeared in my doorway. She looked me over from head to toe before smiling once she met my worried gaze. "Perfect." I let out the breath I had been holding in and hugged her quickly before walking down the stairs with her right behind me.

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenWhere stories live. Discover now