forty five

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We were having a staring contest. I didn't know who was winning but I felt myself losing. He sat on my bed with his elbows on his knees and I sat in my desk chair with my legs crisscrossed.

"What'd you tell your dad?" Emmett asked casually.

"That I was with the squad for a girl's weekend," I told him.

"Did he believe you?"

"The girls covered for me." I shrugged. He nodded.

"What did you do while I was gone?" He seems reluctant to ask.

"I spent my time in La Push with Sam and Emily." I stood up from the chair and sat next to him on the bed. "I'm not going to lie to you Emmett. I did try to move on from you but I couldn't. That's why I went to save you- because I love you."

"What's his name?" He tensed up.

"Will knowing his name make you feel better?" He shook his head. "Then his name isn't important."

"I understand why you tried to move on." He stated. "But I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm glad it didn't work out." I chuckled and his expression seemed to brighten at the sound. "Edward said that Victoria came back."

"Yeah, that's how I got this ugly thing." I showed him my casted wrist and he shook his head.

"It doesn't make your beauty lessen." I gaped at him before laughing.

"When did you become such a romantic?" I teased him.

"Well, I was in Italy for a while, the language kind of rubs off on a guy." He joked back. I giggled and just like that, we were the same old Clary and Emmett once again. "By the way, I am loving this haircut." He ran his fingers through the ends of my short hair. "But why cut it?"

"I needed a change." I shrugged.

"Well, this change is working for you." He complimented. I beamed at him and leaned forward to kiss his cheek. "Clary?"


"I want you to know that I'm never going to leave you again. I want to be by your side for as long as you'll have me." He grabbed my hands and caressed them soothingly.

"Are you sure? Because forever is a long time." I smiled.

"Forever isn't long enough." He smiled back and kissed my forehead softly. He was about to say something more when Bella barged in with Edward right behind her.

"We're going to the Cullens, put some shoes on." She walked down the stairs but left my bedroom door open. I stood up and slipped my feet into my brown Uggs. I was still wearing my leggings and hoodie so I didn't bother changing. Emmett grabbed my hand and we met Edward and Bella downstairs.

"Why are we going there?" I asked them.

Bella looked at Edward before turning to me. "I'm putting my mortality to a vote." She didn't say anything more. I sighed and turned to Emmett.

"Don't you just love how uncomplicated I can be?"

"Absolutely." He smiled and picked me up bridal style. He blurred out of the house and ran to his. We reached his house just before Edward and Bella. We walked up the steps to the door and we were met by a smiling Alice.

"Clary, it's been so long!" She gushed as she hugged me.

"I saw you yesterday Alice." I laughed. She shushed me before dragging me inside the house. She led me to the living room where everyone was gathered. "Hi, guys."

"Hello, Clary." They all chorused in unison. We held a small conversation until Bella stormed in with Edward hot on her heels.

"So I have a problem that needs help solving." Bella began before any of us were ready. Emmett stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me close. We both knew what Bella's problem was. "Alice promised the Volturi that I would become one of you. They're going to send someone to check and if I'm not a vampire, they're going to turn me themselves. Now before you say anything, you all know what I want and I'm sure Edward has voiced his opinion too. But it isn't Edward's decision, it's mine. And I think the only fair way to go about it is to vote."

"I have something to add before we vote." Bella turned to glare at her boyfriend. "About the danger, Bella failed to mention, I don't think it's enough to cause us to worry. We can all surely care for ourselves if need be but Bella's lack of response to their gifts will keep her safe. So being immortal is kind of pointless."

"Okay, the. Edward has offered an alternative option for you to consider," Bella glared at Edward once again. "Let's vote." She looked at Edward with hopeful eyes. "Do you want me to be a part of your family?"

"Not like that, you're staying human." He answered coldly. Bella nodded before asking Alice.

"I already consider you my sister, yes." Alice smiled and Bella beamed.


Jasper's usually stony face held a different emotion but he answered gravelly. "Yes."


"No," Rose answered bitterly. "I know that you want this but it isn't what you'd expect Bella. I wish someone had been there to vote no for me."


"Hell yeah!" He cheered. Rose shook her head but his cheerfulness didn't lessen.

"Esme, Carlisle?"

"You're part of our family Bella, yes," Esme answered for them both. Bella nodded happily before turning to Emmett and me.


Emmett glanced at me but I turned away from him. He sighed before voicing his answer. "Yes."

"Clary?" I could feel everyone staring at me and that only made what I was about to say a lot harder.

"No." I finally said. Bella looked shocked but I only shook my head. "You're giving us a vote but you already have your mind made up. Plus you're doing this for all the wrong reasons, you're being selfish. This is about you getting what you want not spending eternity with Edward. So my answer's no."

"But Clary you want to be one too!" Bella exclaimed.

"Not under these circumstances. And Emmett and I have already talked about it. When the time is right then I'll become a vampire but not until after I finish school." I sighed heavily. "You're getting what you want Bella but think about the consequences you'll face and who exactly you're going to lose." I stepped out of Emmett's hold and strode out of the room. I walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. Rosalie entered the room and sat beside me.

"I'm surprised you voted no but I understand why you did."

"Bella needs to realize that she can't always get what she wants." I shrugged. "I love her and I want her to be happy but I also want her to stay smart."

"What do you mean?"

"Selfless and selfish are two different words but lately Bella seems to have the two mixed up."

"Well if it's any consolation, you're my favorite," Rose smirked.

"That makes me a bit better." I laughed. She laughed with me and that's how Emmett and Dominic found us. Emmett sat beside me and pulled me onto his lap. We joked around and had fun catching up. I smiled at Emmett when I felt his gaze on me. "You okay?" I asked him.

"I'm perfect." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Forever?" I held my pinky out to him.

"Forever." He interlocked his pinky around mine and grinned. And just like that, I knew we'd be okay. Maybe we weren't at one hundred percent yet but someday we would be and that's all that mattered to me.

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