Chapter 5

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Date: Wednesday, February 23rd
When Sophia woke up today she was super tired and her body was sore for no reason but did she tell Luke? No, because she was immediately able to tell he was in a mood and didn't want to make it worse.

"Come on Sophia," She heard him yell from downstairs. She grabbed her backpack and walked down the stairs into the kitchen.

"What do you want for breakfast? It has to be something quick," He said looking at her.

"I'm not hungry right now. I will just eat something for lunch," She said.

He looked at her confused since she is always hungry. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure," She said.

"Ok then. Let's go," Luke said still confused but didn't want to question her further. He grabbed his keys and walked to the car with her behind him.


Sophia walked into school and saw her friends waiting by her locker.

"Hey Soph, how are you today?" Lizzy said.

"I'm just super tired. Which doesn't make sense since I went to bed early last night," She said opening her locker and getting her books out to put in her backpack.

Sophia went to put the backpack on her left shoulder since she still has the cast on her right arm but the backpack felt super heavy and she dropped it. Hunter and Lizzy looked at her. Hunter was the first to say something.

"Soph, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think so," She thought for a moment and then went on to say, "My backpack just feels really heavy all of a sudden."

Hunter picked her backpack up for her and said, "It's probably because you can only carry it one shoulder. I will carry it for you."

Sophia smiled at him and said, "Thank you Hunter."


It was now lunchtime and Sophia still wasn't feeling hungry.

"Soph, are you going to eat anything?" Hunter asked her.

"No. I'm not hungry," She said.

Lizzy and Hunter both were shocked and looked at her confused. They have known her for 5 years and she was always hungry. Even if she ate a big meal she could still eat more.

"Are you feeling ok?" Lizzy asked her.

Sophia looked at her and said, "Yeah I think so. Well I don't know. I just haven't felt like myself these past few days. I've been tired all the time. I haven't been hungry and my body has been sore for absolutely no reason."

"Sophia, I think you need to talk to Luke about this. It could be something serious because all of those things aren't normal," Lizzy said looking at her sternly.

"No. No, I will not tell Luke. He will then freak out and take me to Calum or maybe even ashton. I don't want them to go doctor mode on me. I hate it when they do that. It will probably just go away soon," She said quickly.

Hunter and Lizzy were not convinced that it would go away but it was up to her if she wanted to tell Luke or not.


That night Sophia went home and only ate a small portion of what Luke made for dinner which was a little concerning to Luke considering it was her favorite meal. She also went to bed again super early.

A/N: Sorry this is kind of a short chapter. I made it more like a filler chapter honestly. Anyway, question time. How are you all liking the story so far?

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