Chapter 26

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Date: Saturday, March 26th

Crystal, Chloe, and Sophia were putting on their dresses. They already had their make-up and hair done.

"Sophia, you picked out such cute dresses," Chloe said.

"Purple is Sierra's and my favorite color so of course, we went with purple but I was able to choose the dresses," Sophia said.

Sierra walked out with her wedding dress on.

"Oh, my gosh. Sierra that is gorgeous on you," Crystal said.

"I love it so much," Chloe said.

"Luke is going to cry when he sees you.  I just know it," Sophia said.


Luke was standing with Ben, Michael, Calum, and Ashton beside him. He heard the music start.

First Crystal, Chloe, and Sophia came out. Then came the moment. Everyone in the audience stood up. 

Luke was at loss for words. He felt like he couldn't breathe. There she was standing in her beautiful dress. Sierra Deaton or really soon-to-be Sierra Hemmings. This amazing girl was about to be his for as long as they lived. Luke started to cry.

Sophia nudged Crystal and Chloe on their sides.

"See I said he would cry," She whispered and laughed quietly.

Sierra finally reached the step where Luke was standing on. Everyone in the audience sat down.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming to celebrate this huge milestone in these two lovely people's lives," The officiant said.

The officiant went on to say a few things and then Luke and Sierra said their vows about caring for each other when they are sick, and healthy, and will love each other until death.

"Do you Luke Robert Hemmings take Sierra Deaton to be your wife?" The officiant asked.

Luke looked at Sierra with a smile and said, "I do."

"Do you Sierra Deaton take Luke Hemmings to be your husband?" The officiant asked.

Sierra looked at Luke with a smile and said," I do."

"I am happy to say that Luke Hemmings and Sierra Deaton are officially husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," The officiant said.

"Actually Hemmings, Sierra Deaton-Hemmings," Sierra said smiling. Then Luke pulled her in for a kiss.


"Please welcome the newly married couple, Luke Hemmings and Sierra Hemmings, to the dance floor for their first dance," The host said.

Luke pulled Sierra to the dance floor. Their song is Try My Best which was actually written by Dr. Mendes. He used to be a songwriter in high school so Luke thought it would be special to have a fellow coworker write their wedding song. Sierra and Luke also decided to let Dr. Mendes also sing it.

"Promise to hold you close and be there every day. I swear I love you more no matter what you say and if we lost it all and there was nothing we could do. Oh, I'll try my best for you," Dr. Mendes sang.

Luke spun Sierra around in a circle and then brought her in close. They just swayed back and forth.

"I love you so much, Mr. Hemmings," Sierra said looking up at him.

"I love you so much more, Mrs. Hemmings," Luke said looking down at her and smiling.

"I love the sound of Mrs. Hemmings," Sierra said giggling.

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