Chapter 37

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Date: Saturday, April 16th

It's been a few days since Luke and Sophia's big fight. They have hardly said a word to each other. Luke has been trying to talk to her but realized he just needed to give her some time.

Sophia on the other hand was letting the guilt eat her up. She heard Luke talking to Sierra on Thursday night and she could have swore she also heard him crying. It broke her heart.

Yes she was mad at him and still is that he kept their dad a secret from her especially after he promised her he would never keep any secrets from her. But she also understands why he didn't. Luke never breaks promises so when their dad and Ben promised him to not say anything to him she knew he wouldn't break it even if it means he was breaking hers. She also knew him keeping it from her was most likely killing him inside which leads to her next thought that she was probably a little too mean to him on Tuesday.

On one hand she wants to push Luke away because she doesn't want him to be heartbroken if anything happens to her such as she dies but on the other hand she also really needs him. She is absolutely terrified that this cancer is going to kill her and she just wants his comfort. She wants him to tell her that everything is going to be ok.


Tonight she was staying with Michael since that's what Luke and Sierra decided would be best for all of them.

Sophia was currently laying down on the couch with Crystal when she all of a sudden felt really light headed and nauseous. She immediately stood up and went into the kitchen where the Tylenol was. She took two pills and then immediately went into the bathroom.

Michael walked through the door still wearing his scrubs. He had to go into work for a couple of hours due to an emergency with one of his patients.

"Where's Sophia?" Michael asked Crystal while looking around the living room.

"I don't know she was just right here," Crystal said, looking at Michael.

Next thing they knew they heard crying coming from the bathroom. They both took off running.

What Michael saw was not a pretty sight.

There was Sophia kneeling up against the toilet throwing up.

Sophia looked up at Michael and said, "I don't feel good at all. My head hurts, I feel lightheaded, I'm nauseous, my stomach hurts and I can't stop throwing up. Mikey, please just make it stop please."

Michael immediately kneeled down next to her and said, "it's ok. You're going to be ok."

"How am I going to be ok? I've taken 7 pills of Tylenol today and it hasn't helped at all. This is the worst pain I have ever been in," Sophia said and started crying.

Sophia really wanted Luke at this moment but she couldn't have him not after the way she treated him the other day.

"Soph, I need you to take a deep breath ok. You are getting yourself worked up which is only going to make you feel worse," Michael said to her calmly.

Michael was getting concerned. If she took one more Tylenol she would have overdosed but he can't figure out why she is in so much pain.

"Michael, I have not told you the truth, I have been feeling sick all week but today has been the absolute worst. I am so sorry for not telling you before but please make it stop," Sophia said, crying even harder at this point.

"It's ok soph. Don't worry about it. I got you. I am here and you're going to be fine," Michael said looking at her and then looking up at Crystal with worried eyes.

Sophia felt off so she said something to Michael that shocked both him and Crystal.

"Please tell Luke that I am sorry. I am sorry for everything. I'm sorry for treating him the way I did. I didn't mean it. I feel so bad for treating him that way. He didn't deserve it. Tell Ashton that if he wants to that he can tell Luke what I told him," Sophia said very softly.

"What? Sophia you can tell him yourself when you see him tomorrow," Michael said very fast and looking at her confused.

Before Sophia could say anything she went limp and Michael felt her drop in his arms. He noticed she stopped breathing and went into full panic mode.

"Crystal, call 911 right now," Michael said panicked and started CPR.

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