Chapter 16

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Date: Monday, March 14th

No one knew what was about to come today. It was going to be a tragic day for everyone.

Luke, Sierra, Crystal, Michael, Calum, and Ashton were all sitting in the cafeteria eating their lunch.

Luke sang with his arm around Sierra, "Everybody wanna steal my girl everybody wanna take her heart away couple billion in the whole wide world Find another one 'cause she belongs to me."

"Aww, Luke. You are so cheesy but that's why I love you," Sierra said and kissed him.

Sierra took a sip of her drink. It tasted funny but she didn't think anything of it.

About an hour later sierra felt off.

"Hey, Sierra are you feeling ok?" Crystal asked her. She noticed that Sierra looked a little pale.

Sierra didn't say anything she just fell to the ground and passed out.


Within a few minutes, Luke was running up with Calum and saw his girlfriend was on the ground unconscious.

"What the fuck happened?" Luke asked quickly.

"I don't know. She looked off and I asked her about it and then she fell to the ground," Crystal said quickly

"Luke let me take over. You cant treat her she is your girlfriend," Calum said

Luke didn't want to but he wanted his girlfriend to have the best care so he agreed.

Calum took her straight down to the ED.

The machines started beeping and Sierra was coding. Luke was standing outside the room. He can't lose his girlfriend. He wanted to marry her. He wanted to start a family with her. If she is gone then the love of his life would be gone and he wasn't sure if he would love anyone else as much as he loves Sierra.

"Push a round of epi, "Calum ordered. He was not letting his best friend's girlfriend die.


Meanwhile, Crystal was in the girl's locker room. She was trying to wrap her head around the fact that her best friend could die. That was until she heard someone talking to themselves

"Nice job Leslie. You have almost killed his girlfriend by poising her with x. Just a few more hours. Now it's time to go kill his little sister."

Crystal's eyes went wide. Holy shit she poisoned Sierra and now she's going to try and kill Sophia? I need to tell Luke and Calum.

Crystal ran out without being noticed by Leslie. Michale was outsdie waiting for.

"Whoa hey, Crys, what's going on?"

Crystal explained what was happening to him and both of them took off running to the ED.


After many tries trying to bring back Sierra, it was a success. Except her prognosis wasn't good unless Calum could figure out what was wrong with her.

Crystal and Michael were running towards the room.

"Calum she was poisoned by X you need to start her on treatment Y," Michael said.

Luke spoke up before anyone, "How do you know this?"

"because it was Leslie Amber and Luke you need to get to Sophia's school and call the cops. She is planning to kill Sophia next hurry," Crystal said.

"I'll go with you," Michael said.


Sophia was walking out of school with Hunter and Lizzy.

All of a sudden someone shouted, "SOPHIA WATCH OUT!"

She turned around to see Dr. Amber running towards her with a Knife and within a flash of a second Dr. Amber was on the ground.

Luke was watching the cops tackle Leslie Amber from afar with Michael.

"I have had enough of this bitch ruining my life. I am going to punch her so hard that her eyes roll back into her head," Luke said with so much venom in his voice.

Michael put his hand on Luke's chest before he could even walk, "No, Luke you will do no such thing. If you do that then you go to jail. Even though she deserves it. Your little sister needs you. She is really sick and she needs her big brother. You are no help to her if you are in jail."

Luke then looked over to his little sister who was crying in Hunter's arms. He ran over to her and took her out of Hunter's arms into his own. She sobbed so hard in his arms that his heart broke if that was even possible considering how much it has broken the past couple of days.

"I am here, Soph. It's over now. She isn't going to hurt you anymore. She is going to jail for a long time. You are safe. It's ok," Luke whispered into her ear while he rocked her back and forth.

Luke knew he was going to have to make Sophia see Ashton after this. She has been through so much in the past couple of days. He can't even imagine what was going through her mind.


Luke was sitting by Sierra's bed holding her hand while Sophia was sleeping on the couch. Calum gave Sierra the treatment and now it was a waiting game.

"Come on Sierra please open those beautiful eyes. I can't go through life without you. Sophia needs you. She sees you as her older sister and she's going to need you through her cancer treatment. I need you. You are the love of my life. I will never love someone as much as I love you. Well, other than Sophia but you already knew that. I want to marry you. I want to have kids with you and make a family. I want to grow old with you. I want to have grandchildren that we can share stories with. I love you so much, S. Please don't let go. Please keep fighting. Please for me," Luke said with tears falling down his face.

She can't die. Not yet.

Luke felt a squeeze. He looked up and saw that Sierra's eyes were open.

"I love you too Luke," She said looking at him with a smile.

"Oh my god Sierra you are alive," Luke said crying.

"Well duh, I wasn't ready to leave you and Sophia yet," She said.

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