Chapter 42

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Sophia was walking around the field of flowers thinking to herself. She doesn't know how long she has been here. It feels like it's been years. All she knows is at first it was peaceful. She didn't have to go to the hospital, the place she hated more than anything in the world which is ironic since her brother is a doctor. She wasn't feeling sick. No one was poking her with any needles. She wasn't having Michael and Calum always going into doctor mode on her. She had nothing to worry about. She loved it and at first thought, she would never want to leave this place.

But now? This place terrified her. It's one of her worst fears that came true. She is alone. Like alone alone. There's not a soul of a human anywhere. She hates it and she wants to go back. She misses everyone. She misses her best friends. She misses her boyfriend. She misses Sierra. She misses Michael. She misses Calum and Ashton. More importantly, she misses her brother.


Date: Sunday, May 1st

It has been a little over three weeks since Sophia was rushed to the hospital and went into a coma. She still hasn't woken up. Luke and Sierra have stayed with her pretty much every day and have only left to go work and that's it.

Sierra still hasn't told Luke that she is pregnant. She just can't find the right time to tell him. I mean his sister is on the verge of death. You can't really just spring on him. "Oh, by the way, I am pregnant."

However, Sierra is terrified of this baby. She was pregnant a few years ago with a guy she dated before Luke and something traumatic happened. She never did tell Luke. She's scared that it's going to happen again. She needs someone to talk to. Yeah, she's been talking to Crystal but what she really needs is to talk to her husband however she doesn't want to put this on him so she's just planning to suffer alone.

"S, honey, it's time to wake up. Our shift starts in 30 minutes. I brought you some breakfast," Luke said softly while shaking Sierra a little.

She rolled over on the very uncomfortable hospital couch that she and Luke slept on. She looked up at Luke. His blonde curly hair was messy. His blue eyes were twinkling in the sunlight that was shining through the window shades. On top of it, he was wearing his pink scrubs today. Sierra always found him to be extremely hot when he wore them. If she wasn't feeling nauseous by the smell of the food she would have pulled him down on the couch and made out with him right now.

"Ugh, what is that smell?" Sierra said with disgust while sitting up.

Luke, confused, said, "I don't know what you are referring to. I just brought us both eggs from the cafeteria. They smell fine to me."

Sierra took one look at them and immediately wanted to throw up.

"Thank you but I'm good. I'm not hungry," Sierra said standing up.

"What? No, honey, you need to eat. You haven't eaten since yesterday at lunch," Luke said, getting concerned.

"Luke, I said I am not hungry. Just drop it," Sierra said, a little too rude for her liking.

Luke was not going to drop it. Not after him basically missing all of the signs that Sophia was sick and looking where she is now. He was not about to let the same thing happen to his wife.

"No, Sierra. What is going on? The way you have been acting lately is not like you at all," Luke said.

"Luke, what the fuck? I just told you to drop it. I am not your sister. You don't need to worry about me. I am fine," Sierra said irritated.

Luke was taken back. Did she really just say that to him?

"Sierra, you are my wife. It is my job to worry about you. I am concerned for you. You have not been yourself. You have been eating less. I need to know if you are ok. If you aren't I want to take care of you like I said in my vows," Luke said walking closer to Sierra who was standing at the door.

"I am fine," Sierra said flatly, not even looking at him.

Luke knew she was lying.

He walked even closer to be 4ft in front of her.

He looked at her with soft eyes and said, "S, I know you're not fine. I am right here. I'm ready to listen and help you. Please just talk to me."

And that's all it took for Sierra to break down the walls she tried to put up to keep herself from spilling her guts to Luke.

"Luke, I'm scared," She said while on the verge of tears.

"Honey, what are you scared of?" Luke asked with sincerity.

"That something bad might happen," Sierra said.

Luke was getting worried. He had no idea what she was talking about.

"Sierra, I need you to be more specific with me. What's going on?"

"Luke, I haven't found the right time to tell you this but I am 4 weeks pregnant," Sierra said looking at him and right back down to the ground. She was now on the verge of an anxiety attack.

Pregnant? Then that definitely makes sense with the way she has been acting. Oh my god. I am going to be a father. We are going to be parents to such a beautiful baby. This is so exciting. I will...wait, why isn't she happy about this? Why did she say something bad might happen?

Luke looked down to see that his wife was now on the floor crying. He immediately crouched down to be at eye level with her.

Luke with sympathy in his eyes said, "Honey, I need you to talk to me. Why are you so upset?"

Sierra took a deep breath to try and calm herself down. She has to tell luke the truth even though she is terrified of what his reaction could be.

"Something bad happened a few years ago. It was about a year before I started dating you. Me and this guy wanted to start a family. It was dumb honestly. We weren't even married but Anyway, I got pregnant. Everything was going well. Until about 13 weeks..." Sierra at this point was sobbing again but managed to keep going, "I had these painful cramps. They hurt so bad. I went to the hospital and well I lost the baby. The doctors told me that I have a high risk of having miscarriages anytime I get pregnant. My mother had plenty of miscarriages. I was her miracle baby. Luke, I am so sorry for not telling you about this sooner. I just didn't know how to tell you. I thought you wouldn't want to marry me if you knew the truth. I totally get if you are mad at me. But I am terrified. I don't want to lose this baby."

Sierra was crying so much at this point. You could hear her struggling to breathe.

"Sierra Hemmings, I am not mad at you for this. Yes, I wish you would have told me sooner so I could have been there for you but it was up to you when you were ready to tell me. I would have not married you just because you have a high chance of miscarriages. Honey, I love you for you. If you can't have kids we could have always adopted or tried a surrogate. But Sierra listen to me right now. You are not alone and you never will be. I am here and I will always be here for you. We will get through this pregnancy together no matter what happens. We will get you an amazing OBGYN and we will do everything we possibly can to make sure we don't lose this baby," Luke said and at the end, he immediately pulled Sierra in for a hug.

She cried while in his arms. She really needed him to say that to her. She needed his reassurance. She needed his comfort. Most importantly she really needed to be reminded that he would always be there for her and never leave her. 

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