Chapter 18

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Date: Tuesday, March 15th

Today is the day Sophia has been waiting for. It's the talent show.

"Are you all ready?" Lizzy said looking at Hunter, Sophia, Chris, Dylan, and Conner.

"Yes, I am so excited. My brother has never heard me sing which is surprising since I live with him," Sophia said laughing a little.

"You are amazing soph," Hunter said.

"Thank you, Hunt," She said smiling at him.

"Please welcome to the stage 6 seconds of Summer," The announcer said.

"Well that's our cue," Dylan said.

They all walked onto the stage and the music started playing.

They were reenacting a scene from Victorious. Where Tori was singing to Ryder. The song "beggin on your knees"This was Lizzys and Sophia's favorite episode.

Sophia is the main singer, Lizzy is the backup singer and the guys are the band.

Sophia started singing and she was feeling the music.

Luke, Ashton, Michael, Calum, Crystal, and Sierra were all sitting in the 5th row. When Luke heard Sophia singing he was impressed. He didn't know she was an amazing singer.

Sophia looked out in the crowd where her brother was sitting and saw him smiling so wide at her.

At the end of the song, they all did a bow and walked off stage. They got a standing ovation.

"Sophia you are so amazing," Conner said, blushing just a little bit.

"Thank you so much, Conner. You are amazing on the drums," Sophia said giving him a smile.

"I actually have a question to ask you conner," Sophia said nervously. She didn't know what his answer would be.

"Ok go on," He said.

"Would you want to do a dance with me at my brother, Luke, wedding? It's ok if you don't want to. Wait you hardly know me, of course, you won't want to I am so stu..." Sophia said but was cut off.

"Sophia chill. I would love to do a dance with you. That sounds like so much fun," Conner said smiling.

Sophia relaxed, "Ok cool. The wedding is in a few weeks so we would need to start practicing immediately." 

Lizzy and Hunter were watching the conversation with Sophia and Conner.

"They are so cute. I think they should date. But would you be ok with that?" Lizzy said.

"Of course, I would. Conner is just a big teddy bear and I've known Sophia since we were 4. They are perfect for each other," Hunter said looking at Sophia and Conner acting awkward with each other.

"So it's settled then. We are going to try and get them together?" Lizzy asked looking at Hunter.

"Yep," Hunter said.

"Can we have all of the contestants on stage?" The announcer said.

Hunter and Lizzy ran over to Sophia. Hunter grabbed Sophia and Lizzy's hands and dragged them onto the stage.

"Everyone that was here tonight was amazingly talented but there can only be three winners," The announcer started to say.

Sophia thought, Come on please just let us be in the top three please I need this. She looked over at Hunter who gave her a reassuring smile.

"Number 3 was Julie Molina with her cover song of Wildest Dreams by Taylor swift." The crowd cheered.

"Number 2 was Tyler Smith with his amazing magician skills." The crowd cheered again.

Sophia's heart was beating so fast. There's no way they were #1. She wasn't that good. Her hope of winning was completely shattered. Hunter sensed Sophia being upset.

"Soph it's ok. If we don't get first place we were still amazing. You were still amazing. Not winning doesn't change that," Hunter said nudging her little.

Conner overhead and said, "Yeah don't worry about it. Who knows maybe we could make a band after this?" He was only half-joking.

"Yeah maybe," Sophia said smiling. She actually liked that idea.

"In first place, we have," there was silence and then a drum roll, "6 Seconds of Summer."

Sophia froze. Did she just say we won? No, I must have heard her wrong.

"Sophia, we won!" Hunter said to her.

Oh my gosh, we did.

Hunter and Conner picked her up and put her on their shoulders.

"Yes, you heard it hear folks 6 seconds of summer just won the talent show. you are definitely going to hear from us again at some point" Sophia yelled. She was ecstatic. This is definitely what she needed after the past couple of days she had.

Luke was smiling so wide. He was happy that his little sister was happy even for just tonight. God only knows what is about to come in the next few months.

"Dude your sister is amazing," Calum said who was sitting next to Luke.

"I didn't know she could sing like that and I've known her since she was 4 years old," Micheal said.

"I didn't even know she could and I've known her since birth," Luke said laughing.


Luke decided to take Sophia out to dinner with the guys. Crystal and Sierra went back to their homes since they had to be awake early in the morning.

"Soph, I did not know you could sing like that. Why did you keep it from me?" Luke said looking at her.

"Um, I don't know. I just don't sing that much when you are around," Sophia said shrugging.

"You should go on The Voice," Ashton said.

Sophia looked at him funny, "Yeah no. I don't like that idea. Too many people but thank you for having faith in me to actually think I would make it that far," Sophia said

"I'm sure once you get some confidence you could," Ashton said smiling at her.

"We are actually thinking about making a band but I don't know," Sophia said. She was unsure if they should actually do it.

"I think that would be a great idea," Michael said.

"You guys would totally blow up the internet," Calum said.

Luke thought her joining a band would be a great idea. It would help her take her mind off of her having cancer. He's also glad she has 5 friends who care deeply about her. She's definitely going to need them when the treatments get brutal like he knows it will be.

"I will be your biggest fan," Luke said.

"Ha no mate I will be their biggest fan," Michael said, glaring at Luke in a playful way.

"I'm her brother. I think I would be their biggest fan," Luke said glaring right back at Michael.

Calum and Ashton were amused by this playful fight.

Sophia started laughing and said, "You both can be our biggest fans."

Michale and Luke gave each other a look and then immediately pulled Sophia into a bone-crushing hug.

When they pulled away Sophia said, "Ok can we go eat now. I'm starving and I haven't been starving in what feels like weeks. I say we go to Texas Roadhouse because once again I want their rolls."

So that's exactly what they did. They went to Texas Roadhouse. Sophia was finally able to have one normal day where she didn't feel sick and didn't have to worry about the fact she has cancer.

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