Chapter 9

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Date: Saturday, March 12th (1/5)

Sophia woke up at 11 am and she felt like crap. She was so tired, felt weak and her body was in so much pain. She thought to herself, "I can't take this anymore. I have to tell Luke."

She slowly got out of bed and walked out of the room to go downstairs. As she was walking down she heard Calum and Luke talking. She knew Calum had the day off along with Luke while Ashton and Michael had to work but she didn't think he was going to be here.

Luke heard her walking down the stairs and looked over at her. He said,"Good morning, sunshine," but he noticed her face and immediately got concerned, "What's wrong?"

She looked at him and said, "Luke I feel like crap. I am so tired despite sleeping for 10 hours. I feel so weak and my body hurts and has been for two weeks now. It won't stop," She said on the verge of tears.

Calum went into doctor mode and immediately said,"Sophia, I need you to tell me what you mean by your body hurts?"

She finished walking down the stairs and stood in front of Luke and Calum.

"My hips are super sore and my arm feels like it's numb or tingly. I honestly don't know how to describe it. It's been like that all week," She said looking at Calum.

"Maybe it's just growing pains," Luke said, not completely sure.

Calum thought for a moment. He then looked at Luke and said, "Didn't you say she had a fever on Wednesday?"

"Yeah," Luke said, confused on why that has anything to do with what's going on right now.

Calum turned to look at Sophia and felt her forehead. She felt warm which meant she was most likely running a fever.

Calum looked at Luke and said, "I would also think it was just growing pains except for the fact that it's not her legs that are hurting . It's her arm and hips and also she is running a fever," he then looked over at Sophia and said, "Sophia, on a scale from 1-10 how bad is the pain?"

"Uh probably around 9 or 10," She said with tears now falling down her face. She just wanted the pain to stop.

Calum looked over at Luke who was freaking out about his little sister being in pain. Calum said, "Ok so I think we need to take her to the hospital so that I can do a physical exam and see what's going on."

"It's going to involve needles isn't it?" She said.

"Yeah, kiddo. I'm sorry," Calum said looking at her with sympathy.

"But you will be able to figure out what's wrong though and help get rid of this pain, Right?" She said.

"I should be able to by the end of the day, yeah," Calum said softly to her.

"Ok then," She agreed.

Luke and Calum were surprised that she gave in so easily but that also made them more concerned since she was in so much pain.


They arrived at the hospital and Calum immediately took her to an exam room.

"Ok kiddo, first let's just weigh you to see if that has changed any," He said walking over to the scale with her behind him. She stepped up on the scale and after a few seconds it showed her weight. Calum looked concerned and Luke noticed.

"What is it?" Luke said freaking out.

"She has lost 8 pounds since I last saw her in January which is concerning," Calum said looking between Luke and Sophia.

"Yeah um that might have something to do with me not being as hungry lately so I've been eating less. Sorry," Sophia said, avoiding eye contact with Calum and Luke.

"No, it's ok sunshine. Thank you for telling us," Luke said.

Luke's mind was swirling with thoughts and none of them were good thoughts. He just wanted to know what was wrong with his baby sister.

"Ok, soph you can get up on the bed now," Calum said motioning to the bed. Sophia walked over and Luke helped her up. Calum did all the basic things like check her heart, ears and eyes.

When Calum felt around her hips she immediately smacked his hands away, "No Calum, don't touch there. That hurts."

"I'm sorry. ok so I don't know exactly why your arm and hips hurt since I can't physically see anything wrong so I'm going to have Crystal come in here and draw some blood and I'm also going to order for you to get an X-ray," Calum said looking at her and Luke.

She just nodded and looked at Luke.

"It's ok Sunshine, I'm right here," Luke said grabbing her hand. Crystal came in and drew her blood while Luke and Calum tried to distract her.

"Ok so we will take you up to get an X-ray in about 30 minutes," Calum said.

She nodded and then right after that Michael walked in. Sophias eyes lit up for a second.

"Mikey," She said.

"Hi cutie, I hear that you are in some pain," He said with sympathy.

"Yeah but Calum said he's going to figure out what's going on and help me not be in pain anymore. Now come here I need a hug from my cuddly teddy bear" She said, pouting.

Michale smiled at her. Michael just found her to be so adorable. He walked over to her and gave her a hug.


"Ok so Dr. Amber will be doing your X-rays but I will be right outside," Calum said looking at Sophia.

"Ugh can I please have someone else. Dr. Amber is so rude," She said, whining a little.

"I'm sorry soph she's the only one that's available right now," Calum said.

"Ok fine."

So she walked into the room where Dr. Amber was. Sophia hated her because she was a very grumpy person and had no sympathy. Sophia always wondered how she hasn't gotten fired yet, especially with working in a children's hospital.

"Did you break another arm again?" Dr. Amber said with attitude.

Sophia was not shocked by this response but she really wanted to say, "who do you think you are? fucking bitch" to her but Luke taught her to have manners so insteade she said, "No, ma'am. Dr. Hood just wants to see why my arms and hips are sore and tingly."

Dr. Amber rolled her eyes and with an annoyed attitude said,"Ok well. Ms. Hemmings please lay down on the table and I will take some pictures and then you can leave." 

Sophia was so ready to just leave. She could not stand this woman. Sophia was thinking the entire time laying on the table, "If this woman is so rude, does she hate her job? If she does then why does she even work here?"

After a few minutes she was able to leave and she hopped off the table and ran out so fast.

Calum saw her running and chuckled a little. Before he could say anything Sophia said to him, "Cal, excuse my language but she is bitch."

"Sophia we don't call people that. You-" He was cut off by her.

"Yes I know but she had so much attitude, Calum. She really said to me, "did you break another arm again?" She said it with such a condensing attitude. How has she not been fired yet?" Sophia said looking at him.

"Well that's just rude. I'm sorry soph. I promise next time, which I hope there won't be but if there is then I will try and get someone else to do your X-rays," Calum said looking at her.

"Thank you," She said.


Calum just got Sophia's blood test results back which were a little abnormal. He also looked at her X-ray scans and saw something strange but wasn't sure what it was. So he paged Michael since he needed a second opinion and that obviously wasn't going to be Luke. They talked about it and looked over her scans, blood test as well as what Calum saw during her physical. After a while Michale finally figured out what it was but he was going to need to do a few more tests to actually know for sure.

Michale looked at Calum and said, "I think I know what's going on with her."

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