Chapter 6

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Date: Saturday, March 5th

Today was a very gloomy day. Not just because it was raining outside. It was the one-year anniversary of Katie hemming's death. Luke and Sophia were on their way to their mother's grave. Sophia hasn't said a word to Luke yet. He was slightly concerned but just let her be.

Sophia was looking out the window thinking about when she was told about her mom's diagnosis of cancer.

Flashback- 2 years ago

Luke, Ben, Jack, her dad (Kyle), and her mother (Katie) were sitting in front of her.

"Why do you all look so sad? Did someone die?" Sophia said.

"Sweetie, we have something important to tell you. I need you to stay strong when I tell you," Katie said to her with tears in her eyes.

"Someone died didn't they?" Sophia said again.

"No, sweetie. No one died. I-'' Katie didn't know how to tell her 13-year-old daughter, her baby, that she has cancer. She grabbed Kyle's hand and looked over at Luke who had more knowledge in this. Luke got the message. He walked over in front of Sophia and crouched down.

"Sunshine, you know how mom has been sick?" Luke said looking at her.

"Yeah. I just assumed she had the flu. Is this what you all wanted to tell me? She's fine," Sophia said.

"No, sunshines she's not. She's going to get sicker," He tried to read Sophia's face.

"What do you mean?" She said, panicking a little.

"Soph, mom has cancer," Luke said softly.

"But she's going to be ok right? Luke say she's going to be ok. Say she's not going to die," Sophia said looking at him with tears in her eyes.

Luke knew he couldn't promise her that and that absolutely broke his heart. He wasn't going to tell Sophia that their mom has stage three cancer and it's very aggressive.

"I can't promise that. But mom is going to fight this with everything she-" He couldn't finish what he was saying because Sophia pushed him out of the way and ran straight to her room.

Sophia was so scared and upset that her mom was going to die. She couldn't even bear to think about life without her.

End of flashback

Sophia had tears rolling down her face but quickly wiped them away. She saw that they pulled up to the grave yard. Her and Luke walked over to where their mom was buried. She then got another flashback of the day her mom died.

Flashback- A year ago

Katie was in hospice. She tried to fight but the cancer was more aggressive.

"Mommy, please don't leave me. Luke you are a doctor, there has to be something that you can do to save her," Sophia said while crying.

"Sophia you know that there's nothing I can do, I'm sorry," Luke said. He really wished he could do something. He doesn't want his mom to die.

"Soph, baby come here," Katie said motioning for her to lay down next to her. Sophia did just that.

" I am so proud of the person you are becoming. I am so glad that I got to raise an amazing little girl like you. Baby, I know that we were supposed to go to the olympics together but you can still make it without me. I will be watching over you from heaven with a big smile on my face. Please continue to be the happiest, amazing and sweet person that you are when I'm gone. This is not a goodbye, ok sweetie? It's just a see you later. I love you so much," Katie said with tears rolling down her face.

Sophia had tears falling down her face, " I love you so much, Mommy. I will make you proud of me. I will make it to the olympics next year and when I win I will mention you in my speech."

"I know you will, baby," Katie said and looked at the door where Michael was standing and then said, "Why don't you go get something to eat with Michael. It's ok I will be here when you get back."

Sophia was hesitant but decided to hug her mom one last time and gave her a kiss and walked to Michael. She took his hand and they walked out.

When they got back everyone in the room was crying and Sophia saw that her mom isn't moving anymore.

"Mikey what's going on?" Sophia said looking up at him.

Luke heard her and walked over. He crouched down to be eye level with her. He wasn't ready to break his little sister's heart but he had to.

'"Soph, mom has gone to heaven now," He said and Sophia started crying uncontrollably and fell into Luke's arms.

End of flashback

Sophia started crying again and Luke looked at her this time.

"Please talk to me. You will feel better if you get it off your chest," He said with sincerity in his voice.

"It's had mom for 24 years of your life and I only got her for 14. It's not fair. Why does cancer even exist? It's so dumb, Luke. I miss her so much. I wish she was here to see me try out for the olympics and possibly make the olympic team. Luke it hurts so much knowing she isn't here anymore," She said crying and sat against her mom's grave.

Luke crouched down to be eye level with her and said,"Soph, cancer sucks and your right it's not fair that she was in my life longer than yours. I would do anything to bring her back. But hey, remember that she is watching over you and all of us every single day. She loved you so much. She wouldn't want you to be upset over her. She would want you to live your life to the fullest."

"I know but it hurts so much," She said and fell into his arms. She really needed a hug from her big brother.

"I know, sunshine," He said, hugging her with tears threatening to spill out of his eyes.

They sat like that for a few minutes. Once Sophia calmed down Luke pulled away.

"Why don't we go home and make mom's favorite meal with Sierra?" Luke asked.

"Yeah. I would love that," she said sniffling a little.

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