Chapter 52

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Date: Tuesday, June 6th

Sophia was sitting in the back of the cop car thinking about what Dr. Amber said. Was it true? Did that women really make her mom die faster? Sophia was choosing to believe her. After all that woman is crazy and wants Luke all to herself. However, she doesn't believe that her brother was involved not even for a second.

A few minutes pass by and it finally hits Sophia. She is literally in a back of a cop car being arrested and is going to go to Juvie. Why did she have to be so stupid and punch Dr. Amber? I mean did she deserve it? Yes, but it was still a very dumb decision because look where that's taken her. Luke is probably so furious with her.

"Come on miss," The cop said.

Sophia looked up and saw that the cop was holding the door open and they were at the police station. Here goes nothing.

As they walked into the station she saw someone who looked familiar. It can't be.

The cop dragged her to the front desk, harshly, and said to the front desk lady, "Good Morning, Mrs. Wendy."

"Good Morning Officer Brock. What do we have here?"

"This is the 15-year-old girl who assaulted the defendant in the courtroom. We'll need to process her and speak with the chief about the next steps," Officer Brock said.

"Can you please loosen your grip, your hurting me," Sophia said looking at the cop.

At the sound of her voice, the person Sophia was looking at turned around. When his eyes landed on Sophia they went wide. He ran over and said to her with concern in his voice, "Sophia, what the heck happened?"

Officer Brock looked confused and said, "Do you know her Detective Hemmings?"

"Yes, she is my little sister. What did she do?"

"While in court things got a little out of hand. She was told multiple times to go back to her seat and then ended up punching the defendant. We have to book her," The cop said.

"Ben," Sophia said with her voice cracking trying to hold back a sob but failed. She just wanted this to all be over.

He looked at her and then back up to the cop, "You can hand her to me. I will take care of it."

"No offense Detective but she's your sister and I don't think you should do that," The cop said not wanting to let go of Sophia.

"I don't care what you think. That wasn't a suggestion. I am your superior and that was an order," Ben said giving the cop a death stare.

The cop hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. He recognized the seriousness in Ben's voice and the authority he held. Reluctantly, he released his grip on Sophia, handing her over to her brother.

Sophia's eyes welled up with tears as she embraced her brother tightly. She felt a mix of relief and fear, grateful that he was there to support her but worried about the consequences of her impulsive actions.

Ben held Sophia close, his protective instincts kicking in. "It's going to be alright, Sophia. We'll figure this out," he reassured her, his voice filled with determination.

Officer Brock watched the interaction, his confusion giving way to understanding. He realized that there was more to this situation than he initially thought. Despite his reservations, he respected Ben's authority and decided to trust his judgment.

"Detective Hemmings, if you need any assistance or information regarding the case, please let me know," Officer Brock offered, his tone shifting from skepticism to cooperation.

"Thank you, Officer Brock," Ben acknowledged, appreciating the officer's willingness to work together. "We'll handle the situation from here."

As soon as Officer Brock walked away Luke and Michael came running into the police station. Luke was shocked to see Ben. He was supposed to be on an undercover assignment.

"Ben, when did you get back? Weren't you supposed to be on an undercover assignment?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of confusion and concern.

Ben glanced at Luke, his expression serious. "That assignment is now over but we can talk about that later. Right now, let's focus on Sophia and finding a way to help her through this situation," he replied.

Luke's curiosity intensified, but he could see the distress in Sophia's eyes and knew that she needed them.

"I'm going to talk to my chief and see if he can let Sophia go with a warning," Ben said.

"That sounds like a good idea," Luke said.

"Ok Sophia, I'm going to leave you with Luke and Michael while I go talk to the chief. I will be right back," Ben said and Sophia let go of him so that Ben could walk away.

Sophia looked up at Michael and Luke with her tear-streaked face. "I'm so sorry, Luke," she managed to say, her voice trembling. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

Luke's expression softened as he gazed at Sophia, his concern evident. He kneeled down to be at eye level with her. He reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face. 

"Sophia, none of this is your fault," he reassured her, his voice filled with empathy.

Sophia took a sharp breath and said. "It's just....she...she said something about mom and you." Sophia had tears falling down her face.

"It's okay," Luke whispered softly. "Take all the time you need. Let it out and know that we're here for you. We'll listen and be by your side."

Sophia took a couple of deep breaths and looked back up at Luke.

"Luke, Dr. Amber said that she changed out mom's meds to make her die faster and that you were the one who told her to do it. I know you would never do that I mean obviously I'm not stupid she is just trying to manipulate me but was it possible for her to actually change mom's meds?"

"Sophia, I want you to know that what Dr. Amber said is absolutely not true," Luke responded, his voice filled with sincerity. "I would never do something like that, and I would never put Mom's life in danger. You're right, she's trying to manipulate you. As for the possibility of Dr. Amber changing Mom's medication that's a lie too," Luke paused for a moment, carefully considering his next words. He understood the delicate nature of the situation and didn't want to further distress Sophia by discussing their mother's death.

"Soph, when mom was diagnosed with cancer she was already at stage 3. They tried chemo for a few months but mom hated how it made her sick so she decided it was time to stop. When she got put into hospice they didn't give her much time they said only a few weeks which is exactly what it was. Dr. Amber had nothing to do with it so please don't take anything she said to heart. She is trying to manipulate the situation and create doubt in your mind. Our mom's passing was a result of her advanced cancer and the choices she made regarding her treatment."

Sophia listened to Luke's words, and as he explained the truth about their mother's situation, a sense of relief washed over her. She trusted Luke completely and knew he would never do anything to harm their mother.

Just then, Ben returned, his expression determined. "Good news, Sophia. The chief has agreed to release you with a warning. He understands that this situation was complicated, and he believes in giving you a chance."

Sophia's eyes widened with surprise and relief. "Thank you, Ben. Thank you for being there for me."

Ben embraced Sophia and patted her back gently. "I'm always here for you, little sis."

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