Chapter 50

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Date: Monday, June 5th

Sophia wasn't sure how long she sat on her bedroom floor crying but she knew it was for a very long time.

"Hey Soph," Someone said in an exciting tone while walking into the room. As soon as the person noticed the state Sophia was in they ran over and crouched in front of her.

"Sophia, what's wrong? Talk to me," The person said, concerned.

Sophia's eyes went wide. She forgot that he was coming over but was so glad he was here. She pulled him into a hug.

"I am so glad you are here," She said to the person and then pulled away.

"Can you please tell me what's going on?" The person asked again.

"Hunter, it was awful today. It brought up so many flashbacks from the last time I had to go through this. I...I....I don't want to go back," She said with her voice cracking at the end and more tears falling.

Hunter was about to say something but Sophia continued to talk.

"She...She kept interrupting me when I was on the stand. She said that I was lying. I wasn't lying about what she did. It reminds me of when the person I have to be blood-related to, Jack, who kept saying I was lying about what Dr. Ford did. Hunter, I wasn't lying then and I'm not lying now but I feel crazy," She took a deep breath and continued, "Being there today, brought back all of the bad things that have happened with Dr. Amber and Dr. Ford and I hated reliving all of that. I hated that I had a panic attack on the stand and Michel had to help me out of it. I can't go through all of that again. I just can't."

"Sophia, take a deep breath and listen to me. I know that you weren't lying and so does everyone that loves you. Those people were just trying to get in your head. I am so sorry that you had to go through all of that and have to relieve it today. If I could I would take it all away from you immediately. It's all over now though. You don't have to go back up on the stand. I know you have to be there during the whole trial which sucks but what if you talk to Luke and see if there's any possible way if you think it's getting to be too much that you can walk out and take a breather?"

"Yeah, that could possibly work. Would you be able to be out in the hallway if I need you?"

"You don't want Conner?"

"No, I haven't really given him all the details about any of the things I've been through with Dr. Amber and Dr. Ford. Besides I want my best friend who has known me for longer."

"Ok then yeah as long as it's ok with Luke then I can be there."

"Thank you," She said giving him a half smile.

"No problem," He said smiling back at her.

"I just realized you are wearing your baseball uniform. Why...wait oh my gosh today was the state championship game I completely forget about it. I am so sorry Hunter," Sophia said feeling guilty.

"Don't be sorry. It's fine. You have had a lot on your plate," Hunter said trying to reassure her.

"No, but I should have remembered. I am a horrible best..."

Hunter cut her off, "Sophia Rose Hemmings don't even finish that sentence because it's not true."

"Wow ok fine I won't. How was it? Did you win?"

"Did we win? Hmmm...I don't know," Hunter said teasing her.

"Oh come on Hunter tell me...please," Sophia said whining.

"Yes. The Pioneers are the Ohio state champions in High school baseball," Hunter said excitedly.

"Ahhh that's amazing congrats Hunter," Sophia said with a huge smile and pulled hunter in for a hug.

"Thank you, Soph." 



Hi, I am finally back with another update. Sorry it's taken this long. I was so busy in november and the beginning of December with school and then I decided to rest for about a week after the semester ended before I even thought about writing anything. Anyway, hopefully I will have a few more chapters written before I go back to school.

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