Chapter 36

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Date: Tuesday, April 12th

Luke was sitting on the couch watching tv when he heard the front door open and slam shut. He knew it was Sophia.

"Luke Robert Hemmings," Sophia said in an angry voice.

Luke paused the show he was watching and turned to Sophia.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked, confused.

"What's wrong? You want to know what's wrong?"

"Uh yeah I do," Luke said, looking at her.

"Ok fine I will tell you. Why the fuck did you not tell me that you and Ben found dad and that he was in some sort of trouble? and why the fuck did you not tell me that the guys he was in trouble with were coming after me? Luke, if I would have fucking known I would have been more careful but you did not tell me," Sophia said with so much anger.

Luke was taken by surprise, How did she find out?

"Sophia, I didnt tell you for a reason. Dad and Ben told me not to. I promised them and you know how I am with promises," Luke said starting to stand up from the couch.

"I don't care. You are my older brother the one I am close to. The one who is supposed to not keep secrets from me. Luke you promised me you would always tell me the truth but here we are. It's the second fucking time you have kept something from me. I am so sick of you. I can't trust you anymore," Sophia said, starting to tear up.

Luke sighed.

"Sunshine," he started to say but was cut off.

"No I don't want to hear any excuses or apologies. Luke, we are no longer close siblings. We are just siblings who live together but no longer have a relationship," Sophia said and with that she ran upstairs to her room.


Sophia ran into her room and locked the door. She slid down it and started crying. She felt like shit.

Yes she was pissed at Luke for not telling her but what she said to him she didn't want to say. However, she needed to destroy their relationship. She had to because she has this weird feeling that something was going to happen to her and she doesn't want Luke to worry about her. She wants him to live his life happy and not be worried about her every single moment of his day. She loves him too much to put him through that.


Luke was in absolute shock. What the heck just happend? Does she really mean that?

He wanted to cry because his little sister was mad at him more than she has ever been and that hurt. He never wanted her to hate him. He didn't want this to happen. It wasn't supposed to happen. He cares about her so much. He would move in front of a moving bullet for her. He would jump in front of a train or bus. He would move mountains for her. He would even take this cancer away from her and put it into his body if he could. He would do literally anything for her.

Yet now she hates him more than anything and wants nothing to do with him. It felt like she just stabbed him in his heart and he is bleeding out on the sidewalk. He doesn't know what to do.

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