Chapter 2: The Villainess, my knight in shining armor!

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Chapter 2: The Villainess, my knight in shining armor!

To recap what has happened for the past hour.

The Japanese streamer that has a lot of fans sent her a really horrible otome game that for some reason became famous for being well... horrible.

She has found herself living at the body of the heroine named Analissa Blanchet while being pinned down at the wall by the- oh so beautiful and elegant Villainess!

Lady Evelyn Alarie.

On the other hand now she has to adapt to her new role as the commoner with blessed magic. It goes as to any otome game. She has that sweet heroine halo ability to attract many men even if they are a kilometer away just because she's the main protagonist or maybe that's just an overreaction.

The two of our ladies are going back to their classroom by walking into the pathways and halls of the school. The game design and the actual place were so different after all it's a huge step from 2D flat pictures to 3D.

Analissa walked behind her ladyship while gasping in awe for the décor!

The game has never shown their audiences the details of the school now that you can look at them more closely or even touch it! There's even gardens, old looking vases, antiques and trophies surely belonged to many students who has won an award for being so excellent at their magic studies.

"They're really pretty..." she muttered while continuing to aimlessly walk and admiring the place all in the same while.

Lady Evelyn couldn't help but overhear her and became even more confused. "For the past week of being into the academy you're still impressed by such mediocre designs?" she asks in a taunt and Analissa blushes a little not expecting to be heard.

She can't blame Lady Evelyn for thinking like that. After all she is a noble who most likely have a more fantastic mansion with grand designs. It made her think the expression on Lady Evelyn, the moment she has fallen on her route.

The memories of the game runs through her mind, the look on her face when the crown prince held the Heroine Analissa by the waist raising his sword and announcing that all of Lady Evelyn's possession would be transferred to her for a plan of treason.

She was wronged, the crown prince set everything up for Lady Evelyn to die. Recalling the past made her stop walking for a moment and frowned. The modern woman that she is right now, wanted to stop that from happening. "I..." her voice faltered.

The color of her skin paled and it looked like she was even trembling.

"Are you unwell? Miss Blanchet?" (Lady Evelyn) stops walking to look at the girl behind her, her brows furrowed in a worry. What is wrong with Miss Analissa Blanchet? She has been completely normal before- why the sudden-

Analissa coughs, "Ahem pardon me. Something must've gotten stuck in my throat." she thought of an excuse and didn't realize her emotions slipped out, that was a mistake and she would remember to be more careful in the future. "Yes, I am your ladyship. I quite admire things that are pretty and things that are easy on the eyes." Analissa replied, it was as if she's implying something with how she stared at the Villainess for a moment before smiling innocently.

"I just don't want to take things for granted." she continues and the other girl scoffs, what a commoner thing to say.

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