Book Three: Epilogue

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Roger coughed after the black smoke faded around him. Once he caught his breath, he found himself surrounded by rubble under a dark, rainy sky. Broken concrete coated the wet ground, and a moist, ashy scent stretched through the air.

He was back home, but it was unrecognizable. He almost forgot how much damage the Cetus created.

Roger also found himself in his black shirt, black weatherproof tactical pants, boots, and bullet vest. Exactly what he wore before he faced Cetus.

If this was the spot where he and the women had died, then where were their bodies? Did their corpse vanish after they appeared? Hopefully, they weren't the corpses in the ruined city. In the matter of fact, how long were they gone?

“This place is still a mess,” said Cilla behind him.

The women wore the same outfit they did when they first encountered Roger. A black leather bikini with silver spiked armor plates on her broad shoulders, and spiked black collars around their necks. Even their unique red hairstyles returned the way Roger remembered. Katina has the mohawk, Labda has the bushy ponytail, and Cilla has the cute fluffy pigtails that suited her well. It was like the first time they. 

“Now we are back, how in the Hades are we going to make it to Greece?” Katina asked.

Before Roger opened his mouth, a spotlight flashed over him from a buzzing helicopter.

"Freeze!" A soldier in a green camouflage armor suit clambered over the rubble and pointed his rifle at the monster women. "Don't move!"

More soldiers appeared from behind the first soldier. They surrounded Roger and the beast women like wolves blocking their prey's escape routes.

Katina snarled at the soldiers, but Roger rubbed her arm.

"Stay calm," he whispered, "or they will send us back to the Underworld."

Katina frowned, but she nodded to him.

Roger stepped forward with his hands up. "It's okay! They are harmless!"

"Sir! Step away from the creature!" The soldier ordered.

"I'm telling you, they are-"

Suddenly, one soldier grabbed Roger and pulled him away from the beast women.


"This is for your own good!" The soldier shouted.

Roger clenched his teeth. "I’m a cop!"

"We're trying to protect you!"

Cilla widened her eyes. "Sweetie!"

The women charged and knocked the soldier off Roger. When the other soldiers engaged, the Cerberus roared at them.

"Put it down!" One soldier shouted and blasted green darts into the women’s back.

The women charged, but they fell to the ground before they reached one of the soldiers. They were out cold.

"No!" Roger slammed his head back into the soldier's face.

He raced toward the women, but another soldier blocked his path. "Stay back, sir!"

Roger’s veins boiled like hot water. "If you killed them, I will-"

A hard smack struck behind his head and pushed him down into the darkness.


As soon as his helicopter touched the ground with a light thunk, Agent Rolf pushed the door open and stepped out. He smiled at the clear full moon as the wind blew over his bald head and barely touched his short wolfish beard. Although dark, he could still see clearly through his red goggles.

"Agent Rolf!" His soldier approached him and saluted. "We found a cop with a three-headed dog woman."

Agent Rolf glanced around. "I thought we had cleared this city already."

"Yes, but we found them on the street here. Maybe they were hiding, or they appeared out of nowhere."

Agent Rolf glared at the soldier. "They appeared out of nowhere?"

The soldier rubbed his helmet. "Well… We didn’t pick them up on our tracker when we spotted them. It could be a minor error."

Agent Rolf shrugged. I need better equipment.

"What should we do with them, sir?" The soldier asked.

"Bring them to Section 8. I will interrogate the police officer while you contain the beast."

"Yes, sir."

Agent Rolf watched the soldier leave, then gazed at the ruins. He never heard of a monster found with a human before. Either they were together or the female beast attacked the cop. If they were together, surely he wanted to know why. But he will find out soon, once he returns to his base. 

Author's Note:

"That's it for book 3. The next two story arc drafts will be the last. I might make more, but five books in this series will be enough to me. I still have other incomplete series that I want to finish for the rest of this year. After that, My Cerberus Girlfriend book four will begin maybe during the fall or next year. For now, I need a break before I continue. Thank you for enjoying this series so far. I love the characters and I will not give up on their journey."

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