Book One: Chapter 12

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Roger parked his police car in the parking lot near the Rainy Spring condo complex. He stepped out and looked around.

No other vehicle was in the parking lot. Perhaps most people liked to work late at night.

Roger approached the stairway, but he stopped when his tenant approached him.

"Hey, Roger!" Mr.Bennie was a short man with brown hair around his bald head and a mustache under his back nose. He wore a white shirt and overall pants like he was somebody's grandfather.

"Hey, Mr. Bennie," Roger replied.

"You miss poker night again. I and the boys were expecting you."

Roger rubbed the back of his head. "Oh! Sorry about that. I am working late tonight."

Mr.Bennie crossed his hairy arms. "It doesn't look like you are working."

"I just need to pick up something from my condo before I head back to the station."

"Ah... Okay. We can reschedule for next time. You should bring Spencer too."

Roger gritted his teeth.

He wasn't sure if he should tell his tenant what happened to his partner. If he did, Mr.Bennie might wonder why Roger returned to his condo instead of the station. One lie might keep Mr.Bennie off him, although Roger doesn't enjoy lying.

"Ssssssss-sure! I will hit him up as soon as possible," said Roger.

Mr.Bennie laughed. "Good. I can't wait to see his face when I take his money. He still owns me."

Roger nodded. "I bet."

"Catch you later now. I will be saving my bills until our next game."

"Okay." Roger watched the tenant leave to his office, and then he raced up the staircase.

On the third floor, Roger approached his condo door and unlocked it.

Inside, he switched the living room light on and closed the door. He locked it and dashed to the glass sliding door.

After he pushed the left side open, he stepped onto the balcony and looked over the balustrade. All he could see below were black bushes beneath shady pine trees near the next street.

"Psst! Labda! Cilla! Katina!" Roger shouted. "Up here!"

In the bushes, the girls' dog heads popped out. They waved to him and he waved back. Hopefully, they will be quiet.

The three-headed beast woman climbed up one of the pine trees, closed to the complex. When they reached the top, the tree slowly bent down, because of the women's heavy body.

But they leaped and grabbed onto the balustrade. Roger grabbed their right hand and pulled them. "Hurry before someone sees you!"

"Hold your horses!" Katina growled.

The beast woman climbed up, but they fell onto Roger. Their large breasts crushed him on the floor, making him gasped.

"Oopies!" Cilla exclaimed with red cheeks.

Their breasts were warm like giant fleshy pillows. However, Roger was losing his breath. "Please..... Get off me....."

Labda pushed herself off Roger. His breath instantly returned.

"Oh, man!" Katina complained. "I wanted him to suffer!"

Cilla glared at her. "For what? Giving us a pleasant shelter? You are so mean, Katina!"

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