Book Two: Chapter 26

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Nysa hissed.

She couldn't believe the cement covered her best friend and hardened on her quickly. But the Cerberus was only lucky. Nysa won't fall for the same trick.

The scorpion woman stretched out her tail and wrapped it around Roger. She lifted him up off his bare feet and held him over the edge of the unfinished building. "Don't move, or I'll drop him!"

The Cerberus's three heads growled.

"Don't you dare drop him!" Cilla shouted.

Nysa smiled a catty grin. "If you want his life saved, pay him with your life?"

Cilla widened her eyes. "What?"

"Kill yourselves and I will release him."

"No!" Cilla cried.

"You think your life is worth more than his?"

Katina rolled his eyes. "Oh, for f**k sake! You can drop him."

Cilla glared at her. "Katina!"

Katina pointed her finger up. "We can't die for one human! If we go back to the Underworld, Hades will burn our asses!"

Labda nodded to Katina. "She's right, though Roger has been a good man to us, we can't give up our lives for him. Earth will suffer if we die."

Tears dripped down Cilla's cheeks. "This isn't fair! There must be another way to save him!"

Nysa laughed. "You can't save him as long as I am-"

The human spat into Nysa's right eye. She cried and dropped him.

"Roger!" Cilla shouted.

After rubbing the spat off her face, Nysa looked down and smiled. The beast woman should have listened to her.

Roger fell while screaming. The fool should have known better not to spit into Nysa's face.

"Hold on!" Cilla shouted.

To Nysa's surprise, the Cerberus crouched down and leaped up through the air. She held out her arms and caught the falling human.

"Got ya!" Cilla shouted.

The Cerberus landed on the ground while holding Roger in their arms.

Nysa yanked on her hair.

She got the Cerberus where she wanted her to be. But her plan got ruined when the human spat into her face, grossing her out.

It looked like she will have to do the hard way now to kill the Cerberus.


"Are you okay?" Cilla asked, feeling her heart racing like a horse running through battle.

Roger nodded. "I'm fine. Can you please put me down now?"

Cilla placed him down. "Why did you force her to drop you! You could have died!"

Roger smiled. "I didn't want you to give up because of me. My life is not worth anything, especially for the world. As a cop, I am always ready to give up my life for someone else."

Katina shrugged her left shoulder. "Well, I hate to tell you this, but..... You are one hell of a brave man."

"It may be illogical, but it is better than surrendering," said Labda.

Cilla smiled cheerfully at Roger.

She wanted to hold him harder, to feel his warm body of bravery against her large breasts. Risking his life scared her, but somehow it made her feel more attracted to him. If she wasn't trapped in the same body with her friends, she would make love to Roger now.

Behind Roger, Nysa landed on the ground, landing on her bare feet like a cat. She rose and pointed her finger at Roger. "That is f**king disgusting what you did!"

Roger pointed his finger at her. "I won't let you order my friends around."

Nysa gritted her teeth. "I shouldn't have accepted Medusa's deal."

Cilla's ears twitched. "Medusa?"

"You met her?" Katina asked.

Nysa snickered. "Yeah, I did. She offered me and Anysia a deal. She said if we take your heads, we will rule by her side."

"Do you honestly think Medusa will let you rule by her side?" Labda asked.

"She will turn you into her bitches after she wins," said Katina.

Nysa hissed. "It's better than living on the street and being hunted by humans."

"Fighting us will only send you back to hell," said Labda. "If you tell us where Medusa is, we will let you go."

Nysa laughed. "But won't Hades get angry with you?"

Labda curled a mischievous grin. "We can negotiate with our master when we return."

Nysa rubbed her chin until she raised an eyebrow. "How about you fight me instead? If you can beat me, I'll tell you where Medusa's new lair is."

Katina rubbed her fists together with a deep grin. "Good choice. I love punching before asking questions."

"Please don't kill her," Labda whispered to Katina's ear. "Not after she gives her Medusa's whereabouts."

Katina chuckled. "Don't worry, she will still talk after I break her body up."

"She better."

Nysa rose her scorpion stinger up and spread out her legs. She kneeled down a bit, ready to pounce. "I'm so glad I get another chance to kill all three of you."

"What about Roger?" Cilla asked.

"He will be next too." Nysa dashed toward the Cerberus.

Cilla pushed Roger away and held up her right arm. Nysa's stinger stabbed through her arm.

The Cerberus heads screamed, feeling the stinger burn through their arm.

After Nysa pulled her tail out from under the beast woman's arm, she laughed. "Now you will die!"

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