Book One: Chapter 32

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"We actually look adorable!" Cilla cheered, glancing at her small body.

Katina growled. "Don't piss me off!"

Medusa pointed her finger at the puppy Cerberus and laughed. "You are adorable, but weak to stop me!"

Katina barked at the green snake-haired woman. "I'll show you who is weak, bitch!"

The Cerberus charged, but the golem grabbed her off the roof floor. He held her up by her back.

"Ouch! Put us down, you bastard!" Katina and the other heads snapped their jaws toward his face, but they couldn't reach him.

The golem man laughed and threw them into the raining air. They screamed as they fell toward the other side of the island, vanishing from Roger's view.

"Katina! Cilla! Labda!" Roger couldn't tell if the girls were fine.

The golem did throw them far from the cell house, and the fall could kill her if she hit the ground too hard. Maybe she could land on her feet or take a tremendous hit. Either way, Roger be sure they were safe.

"Get rid of that human!" Medusa ordered.

The golem man rubbed his fists together. "My pleasure. I hate cops!"

Roger glared at the rock monster. "You bastard!"

He quickly pulled out the rocket launcher and aimed it at the golem.

The rock monster stared at the launcher and laughed. "That damn thing will not hurt me!"

Roger doesn't care. The man-thing threw his monster friend off the building! He needed to pay!

"Wanna bet?" Roger fired the rocket.

It hit the golem and blew him into pieces. All his stone body parts fell to the floor, some as small as peddles and ashes.

"Wow!" Roger guessed only an explosive could kill that golem. Explosive projectiles were stronger than bullets after it.

Medusa glared at the smoking rock pile. "Pathetic!"

Roger pulled out a red bandanna and wrapped it around his eyes. Blinding himself could make him vulnerable, but it should protect him from getting turned into stone.

Medusa's voice laughed. "Clever man, but do you believe that will keep you alive from me?"

Roger held up his shotgun. "I always improvise!"

He charged and fired his shotgun. He didn't hear any screams or his shots hitting something. He was missing, but he has to keep trying.

He suddenly felt something swiped him off his feet, and he landed on the ground. Then a hand-pulled his blindfold off his face.

"Look at me," Medusa whispered on top of him.

Roger closed his eyes tightly. No matter what she does. He couldn't glance into her face. It would be the end of him if he did that.

While sitting on top of him, Medusa rubbed her stiff hands around his face. "Come on. Jussst one peek."

Her fingertips tickled around his ears and across his neck. But he gritted his teeth while keeping his eyes closed.

"What'sss wrong?" Her warm raw egg breath breezed against his nose, twitching his face. "You don't want to sssee how beautiful I look?"

Roger shook his head. "Nobody tells me what to do without my consent!"

Medusa hissed and wrapped her arms around his head, squeezing him tightly. "Then I'll make you sssee me!"

Her shape fingernails picked at his eyelids. Roger choked while fighting back to keep his eyes closed. How could he get this crazy woman off him?

Medusa suddenly screamed and released Roger. When he opened his eyes, he saw the Cerberus puppy biting on Medusa's snake hair. Her heads snapped at the snakes as they fought back. Medusa struggled while trying to grab the puppy.

"Get off me, you little..... Beassst!" Medusa cried.

Roger was relieved Katina, Cilla, and Labda were fine. Not only that, he now has a chance to slay Medusa.

After he got up, he pulled out a machete from behind his back. He wasn't the only one who took one from the shop.

Medusa grabbed the pup and tossed her off her hair. She turned around and dropped her mouth at the sight of Roger.

He rose his machete up with fury in his eyes. "Go back to hell!"

"No!" Medusa's head flew off her body as Roger swung his blade through her neck.

Her head landed on the floor and her body collapsed next to it. Nothing could survive without their brain attached to their body.

"You did it, cutie!" Cilla cheered.

Roger held out the machete to let the rain washed the blood off the blade. "How did you survive that fall?"

"We landed in a tree," Labda answered.

"It was a bitch to get back, but we ran like hell to get back here," said Katina.

Roger shook the blood off the machete and placed it back into its sheath on his back. "So I take it you are stuck like that now."

"Nonsense! Just break the staff and we should return to normal," said Labda.

Roger glanced at the staff on the floor near Medusa's corpse. "Are you sure about that?"

Cilla stared at Labda. "Do we have to grow big? I like being a puppy!"

"Of course we have to grow big!" Katina shouted. "I don't want to be f**king small!"

"If we remain in this size, we can't fight any monster," Labda explained. "Let Roger return us to normal."

Cilla moaned.

Roger smiled and rubbed Cilla's head. "You will always be cute to me."

Cilla's face burst into redness, and she smiled with passion. "Oooooooooh Roger!"

Roger picked up the staff and slammed it on the floor. The gem on the staff shattered into pieces, and then the Cerberus grew bigger and bigger.

After reaching to her original height, Cilla rushed toward Roger. She wrapped her big arms around him and kissed him.

Wow! This was the first time a dog kissed Roger!

Sloppy, but kind of sweet.

"Cilla!" Katina shouted while Labda let her mouth hung.

Cilla released Roger and stepped back. "Oh..... Uhhhhh.....Sorry!"

Roger rubbed the back of his head. He doesn't know what to think about Cilla's kiss. "Nnnnnnn-no worries."

"How can you kiss that weakling!" Katina shouted. "Did you forget we can feel him too?"

Cilla glared at Katina. "He is not weak! He just killed Medusa, like a real man! And I love him!"

Katina widened her eyes. "What?"

Cilla's words shocked Roger. Is she being overdramatic?

"Enough you two!" Labda shouted. "We have to stop the Cetus! Half the city is probably destroyed now!"

Roger nodded and picked up Medusa's head. "Then let's slay the beast!"

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