Book One: Chapter 22

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Nysa parked the van within the wide alleyway, facing a street in front of the police station.

Anysia kneeled in the back while opening wooden boxes, full of guns, explosives, and ammo.

After meeting Medusa, the girls sneaked into a weapon shop and took as much as they could find before the cops showed up. Nysa understood primitive weapons were useless in this modern age. If they want to get the job down to impress their savior, they need to use the same weapons the humans used. Nysa was good at learning things quickly.

After she finished drinking a bottle of beer, she looked back from the driver's seat. "Ready?"

Anysia picked up a bazooka and stared into its hole. "What is this thing?"

"Put that down! It will blow us back to Hades!"

Anysia's brown skin shivered, and she slowly placed the bazooka down. "Anything that won't explode on us?"

Nysa crawled into the back and checked the box. She smiled and picked up a light machine gun. "I like this one. It screams murder!"

Anysia picked up two pistols and frowned at them. "These weapons look pathetic! How can you kill someone with these things?"

"If you were reading the manual, you would understand these guns are more powerful than swords."

Anysia shrugged and placed the little guns down. "Why do you want to help Medusa? We barely know her."

Nysa picked up two grenades and examined them. "She says she is taking over this world. If we help her, we can live like queens! Think of all the men and gold we can have for the rest of our lives! It's better than being hunted by humans."

Anysia snorted. "I whether fight in endless battles than getting bored inside a fancy palace."

Nysa placed the grenades down. "Well, I whether sleep with a bunch of hot naked men than running through a burning wasteland."

The minotaur woman laughed. "You are a harlot."

Nysa rolled her eyes and wrapped two ammo belts across her body. "We are helping Medusa or else she will turn us into stone. Plus, if the Cerberus is running around here, she will send us back to the Underworld. We must kill her before she kills us."

"Are you sure her man is inside that guardsman house?"

"If he isn't, we'll make him come to us." Nysa lifted her light machine gun and clicked it. "Ready now?"

Anysia lifted the bazooka and smiled. "Let's blow their joint up!"

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