Chapter 2

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-Victoria's POV- 


I was surrounded on all sides by darkness. The immense pressure of the unknown weighed me down as I fought to free myself from the dark. But it was as if hooks had grown into my skin which threatened to tear me apart. I tried shifting but I had no luck. I wouldn't be able to call upon the strength of my wolf-dragon Blue. I couldn't count on her unyielding strength or her size. Pulling again I screamed out my frustration into the darkness. I'd had this dream before and I was terrified of what was coming. Suddenly I was rendered immobile chained to the ground in this dark place as part of the darkness became dimly lit. 

"No please, not again" I shouted into the darkness only to have the visage in front of me become brighter. As if the darkness enjoyed my terror. 

I tried to look away but I was frozen at an angle so I would see everything. My heart sped up as I watched a small boy no older than five drop a cup which spilt its contents. The boy looked as terrified as I felt as he rushed to find something to clean the mess he had made, yet he never got the chance. I winced as a large man seized him by the arm before he tossed him aside pointing to the carpet. I couldn't hear anything but it was clear the older man was his father and was punishing him for making a mess. 

The science changed abruptly to the boy in the woods being handed over to a man while the man I had identified as his father greedily took a suitcase full of cash. The boy's mother never once interfered. The scene then changed again and now the boy was sixteen and the person who had bought him was a vampire and fed from him. I screamed in agony as I felt the vampire's venom in my own veins as the boy cried out to be freed, to be released to be loved but his cries went unanswered. Scene after scene of the same person young and older but still young played out in front of my eyes. Vampire after vampire bit him the pain of their venom and on the rare occasion, they were gentle, the brokenness of him and his heart. 

"Why are you showing me this, it hurts" I cried into the darkness finally feeling the tears on my cheeks as my body was on fire. 

I got no reply but I knew the answer. He was my mate and these visions were supposed to help me find him when they connected us when we were both old enough. I struggled harder against the darkness and this time it broke having shown me what it wanted to. But as I reached towards the vision it receeded. 

"No" I snarled as I jumped forward intent on rescuing him but the darkness swallowed me again this time it was as if it was attempting to drown me. 

-End of dream-

I woke up in a cold sweat panting and hot. My eyes settled onto the room around me and it brought me fully out of my dream. The fog left behind clung to my mind like a fungus. Sitting up I sighed as I spotted my sheets I had torn them again in my haste to shift. It happened more often than not and I worried about what the servants thought when they changed my bedding. Maybe something along the lines of 'The princess is a beast who can't control her shift' Or maybe 'Poor princess Victoria has nightmares and we don't know what to do'. 

Shaking my head I got out of bed stretching as I walked over to my balcony. Lucian wasn't the only one to have one in his room. Pushing the door open the chill of the night air nipped at my bare skin. I barely slept anymore in fear of that dream and when I did I was met with visions of my mate suffering. But the dream was always hazy and it never showed me any faces and always with no sound. 

"I wish I could find you now and shelter you away from the pain you are having to deal with" I whimpered as I felt completely powerless while knowing my mate was suffering. 

Looking up at the sky as I walked further onto the balcony it was as if the waxing moon was judging me for being so pathetic. I growled at it under my breath as I jumped onto the fence. I still felt hot and afraid so I sprang from the fence shifting as I did so. My wings caught onto the air as the breeze ruffle through my fur. I was a carbon copy of Lucian except my fur was as white as the purest snow and my accents were silver and not gold. Following the trail, I had made the last time I flew I found myself at a waterfall large enough that a dragon could comfortably stand under it. Diving down I landed in the water letting it soothe the uncomfortable heat in my body. 

Once I was suitably cold I flapped my wings up and jumped from rock to rock before I settled at the top of the waterfall. Walking towards it I leant down before lapping at the water. The cool liquid settled my stomach from nerves but only served to remind me of my hunger. Food was getting harder to eat too with the knowledge my mate was suffering and close to giving up. I felt it each time I had that dream. 

"It will work out," Blue said quietly from the back of my mind more to convince herself than me. 

I could tell she was worried due to the wall that she had put between our minds when I started having these dreams. I really wanted to believe her, I really did but how could I. Lifting my snout to the sky I howled my sorrows, the call of the wolf a lonely and beautiful thing. Hoping my mate would hear and know that he was not alone but I knew I wouldn't reach him. I couldn't sleep so I settled myself on the cliff and waited. This was an excellent place to watch the sunrise and one day I hoped to share it with him. With a final mournful call, I let my mind take me to a place that was anywhere but here. As in the morning, I would have to return to the castle and pretend to be the perfect princess, strong and unyielding and composed. 

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