Chapter 3

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-Riley's POV-

It had been two days since the duchess' ball and I had finally healed from the onslaught of the feeding frenzy I had endured. My body had finally broken down all their toxins and I knew my master could feel that I was well again due to this stupid magic collar around my neck. I was terrified of the beating I was due for incurring his anger at the party. It didn't matter that I wasn't the one who made him angry all that mattered is that he could take his anger out on me. Looking around the small space that was my room I sighed. A small dresser for my seven outfits and 2 pairs of shoes. My cot-bed with an old tattered blanket and a lamp to light the small space, plus books I took from the library when permission was given. There was no other way to spend the time than reading sometimes. The ringing of a bell had a hot flash of fear through me. 

It was my master's summoning bell. Jumping to my feet I rushed out of my room and raced through the halls. I Had no time to notice the looks of pity or disgust today as I rushed towards his office my heart hammering in my chest. Knocking softly on the door I whimpered as a harsh voice answered me. 

"Come in Riley" My master spoke his voice angry and full of malice. 

"Right away Sir" I answered pushing open the door the wood was seemingly heavier than normal due to my dread. 

As I closed the door behind me I winced as I noticed the bookshelf leading to the torture room was open and it stunk heavily of two of my master's other blood slaves but their scents were hours old. 

"Do you know why I called you here, boy" Nigel snarled the question as his eyes angrily looked over my form. 

"No Sir" I got out a meek response as he rose from his seat a tick working in his jaw. 

"I called you here to remind you who you belong to, do you know who that is. Pet" My master spat walking around me like a lion stalking a gazel. 

"You Master" I replied remembering the lines I said each time we had this conversation. 

"That's right, but I think you need some gentle reminding" He chuckled darkly as he grabbed the back of my neck forcing my collar to bite into my neck the cold metal painful against my fear flushed skin. 

"No, no, no. Please, Master, I'm a good boy, I behave I do as I'm told, Please" I cried trying to dig my heels to the floor but failing as my master dragged me down into the torture room. 

"Oh but I think you're getting too comfortable around me. You are mine to do with as I please no one cares about you" He replied sneering into my face.

Panic had gotten its claws into me then. Normally a beating with his fists was enough to satiate his anger. I cried and begged as I was disrobed apart from underclothes and strapped to his crucifix that was in the shape of an X. Weapons of all kinds lay there, knives, whips vials of toxins and more. 

"Please Sir" I tried again but all I got in return was a dark look that promised pain. 

"Batting your eyes won't work this time boy, you need a lesson in who holds the power here" My master grinned as he picked up a knife from the table. 

I watched in horror as he pushed a bowl under the cross. He was going to bleed me again. I struggled for a fraction of a second too long and cried out as a slap connected with my cheek. My face throbbed as I whimpered trying to imagine I was anywhere but here.

"Behave and take your punishment" My master hissed stepping forward, holding the knife in his hand towards my throat. 

"Yes master" I conceded trying to mentally prepare myself for the pain. 

"There's a good boy" He praised grinning like a madman. 

I had no chance to reply as he drew his knife away only to slash over my thighs and chest. My blood pooled up from the freshly created would and ran hot over my skin and gathered into the bowl. I cried out as he made several more cuts each deeper than the last. I watched him take sick horror in my pain and suffering and felt sick. I felt blood running down my legs and soaking into my underwear. Another pair was ruined. 

"Your blood is the only thing worth anything" My master hummed tossing the knife aside before running a finger across my bloodied torso. 

I was lightheaded as I watched him taste my blood his eyes all but rolling back in his head as he let out a pleasured groan. I was sore all over and my muscles quivered as I was getting tired of holding myself up. 

"Delicious" He praised but that wouldn't stop this torture until he was satisfied. 

Next, he picked up a whip and my eyes went wide as he walked behind the cross. The first strike was unexpected and knocked the wind out of my lungs as I screamed. Each lash added another layer of pain as I felt the criss-cross pattern he was weaving open up and begin to bleed. I could feel the hot tear tracks down my cheeks and my vision had since gone blurry. 

"I'm sorry master, I don't know what I was thinking. I am yours" I cried but another lash had me gurgling the words through a sob. 

"I can't hear you," Master said in a sing-song voice clearly enjoying himself.

"I am nobody master, I don't matter. I am yours to do with as you see fit. I am food that's all I am and all I'll ever be" I shouted my lungs burning from the force. 

"There we go was that so hard" Master spoke his tone lighter as he dropped the whip. 

"No master" I answered quickly averting my eyes. 

"Good boy, now get yourself cleaned up we leave for the werewolf kings castle at first light, there is an announcement and I have me representing my clan" master spat distastefully as he dropped the ties from my wrists. 

"Right away Sir" I replied my muscles protesting every move as I rushed to do as he bid.

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