Chapter 19

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-Riley's POV-

The last few days had been difficult without her but I had managed. I kept up my training hoping to impress her when she finally returned. The envoy that had left with the kings was to return later this evening and I couldn't wait to see the princess again. Though the castle had become hectic with the welcome back feast that was being prepared in the king's honour especially since the heir to the throne princess Luana had been born just more than a month ago.  While the preparations had continued I had escaped to the skies accompanied by Ralph in his dragon form as he carried Kia and Clark. 

A roar to my left took me out of my thoughts which caused me to look over at Ralph's dragon form, he was a massive red beast with four limbs and two wings. He looked like what I assumed my father's dragon form would look like. wait. Father. I had not thought about him or my mother in years as what kind of parents would sell their own child. Shaking my head I barked over to Ralph snorting as the older dragon stuck his tongue out at me showing deadly teeth but the gesture remained playful. In a wingbeat, he had increased his speed, leaving me to catch his slipstream, forcing me forward. 

"What do you say to a race Sir Riley" Ralph laughed his voice still strange in my mind through the pack link. 

"You're on" I growled pushing my wings harder the wind passing through my fur harshly. 

My smaller and lighter frame allowed me to catch up with Ralph quickly I could practically feel his envy as I continued to fly and he began to trail behind me. Though flying at such a speed needed endurance I still did not possess it because I was new to flying. 

"Shall we call it a draw?" I panted into the pack link scowling inwardly as I heard him chuckle. 

"If that is what you wish, Let us land and next time we shall race hopefully you have more stamina" Ralph responded as he tucked his wings diving into the forest and snorting at the screams of Clark and Kia. 

Following suit I dived into the trees following Ralph's scent trail as I weaved through several trees before I landed in the clearing the princess had taken me to for our first flight together. I skidded to a stop right in front of Ralph's dragon before he shifted as Clark and Kia jumped off his back. 

"Shall we head back now Sir Riley?" Kia questioned her easy scanning around the forest before they focused on me. 

"May I take a ten-minute rest before we begin our journey back?" I asked answering her question with another question as I laid down so I wasn't towering over them as It still didn't feel comfortable for me to hold a higher physical position to them. 

"Of course, we'll keep watch and inform you of when your requested time of departure is" She answered her answer still very stiff and formal and no matter how many times I had said she could talk more casually she had refused. 

I grunted my approval before nodding my head. Stretching out my wings I left them open hoping to cool them as I panted softly my chest rising and falling as I focused on relaxing. My tail softly thumped on the ground as Scout pumped in his emotions that his mate was returning. He was elated which made it harder for me to retain my human form so I had asked for this break. 

"I'm sorry Riley, I'm just so excited, there's something I need to share" Scout yipped his tail wagging furiously in my mind's eye.

"Tell me" I insisted my physical body practically vibrating in curiosity. 

"Well, we are..." Scout started but I was startled out of our conversation by an angry hiss. 

Lifting my head I scented the air my heart racing as I recognised the scent of the dutchess and her court three of the oldest vampires I had had the displeasure of meeting. A growl started in my throat as they walked into the clearing. 

"Well if it isn't Riley it seems that you've matured" The dutchess spoke as she looked upon my shifted form with glee. 

I snarled again baring my teeth my hackles raised as I stood and opened my wings to make it appear as though I was larger than I was. 

"Oh such an undisciplined boy, I thought Nigel had taught you better, it seems I was mistaken" The dutchess hummed in thought though her eyes remained fixed on me. 

"Leave here immediately and your blood shall not spill" Kia spat as she stood in front of me her human body wavering before she towered over me. 

I gulped as I took in her form a giant serpent with feathered wings baring her fangs that were filled with deadly poison. She dwarfed everyone as she curled around me her coils protection against any attacks. 

"I haven't seen one of your kind in centuries and maybe if I were younger I'd back down but you are young and not yet at the peak of your power," The dutchess said before she motioned with her hand and the serpent around me gave out a horrid sound of pain as the once powerful creature fell forward. I listened frantically and I still heard her heart so I knew she wasn't dead.

"Run" Clark screamed before he shifted a large grey wolf just smaller than my own shift running straight towards the vampires at full speed his muzzle lifted in an angry snarl. 

Flapping my wings I rose above the unconscious snake shuddering as I spotted the dart in her side. And just before I managed to flee a sharp biting pain hit me in the rump. 

"Now now I paid good money for you, you're not getting away" the dutchess hissed as the world spun and I fell my body shrinking as I shifted back. 

"No, stop, please. Help me" I cried shouting my hardest to be heard.

"That will do no good boy" the dutchess laughed as she lifted me up by the throat. 

I choked on tears as I spotted Clark's wolf form his throat had been ripped out and the last of his life was draining as he shifted to his human form his eyes welled with tears as he mouthed 'I'm sorry' 

Ralph was no better he was heavily injured, he was missing an arm and I saw several bones poking out of his chest. Kia too though uninjured had been put to sleep. 

"Why" I cried my tears hot as they fell down my cheeks. I tried to writhe to struggle from her grasp but whatever I did my body remained stiff and unmoving. 

"Because you are mine, I paid for you. You are not free, you will never be free as long as I desire to possess you" She hissed her fangs snapping down in anger her clawed hand biting into my neck. 

"I belong to the princess, I am free, I am a person" I spat calling upon all the training I had received and I began charging the electricity under my skin building before letting it out. 

She screamed as she dropped me the entire front of her body being scorched by lightning the smell of her burning flesh was satisfying but I was still unable to run. Held by whatever chemical they had hit me with.

"You'll pay for that dearly" She snarled Before she yanked me up to her face her fangs sinking into my neck. 

I screamed in fear and pain as she pumped her toxin into me, her venom the most potent I had ever felt before she drank deeply the wounds on her chest and face healing as she drank from me. 

"Ernest, here clothe him when we return to our car, It is time we leave" She grinned as she pulled away from me her evil face promising further punishment. 

As I slipped into unconsciousness I cried. I had gotten too complacent that I had caused the death and injury of my guards. I was a useless thing after all. The princess should have thrown me away when she had the chance all I seem to bring is misfortune. I knew I would never escape the life that was destined for me. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't be the mate you wanted Victoria" I whimpered crying harder as I finally fell into darkness. 

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