Chapter 11

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-Victoria's POV-

I couldn't believe he had shifted in just a week of being free of captivity. His shift must have been fighting hard for it to surface again so soon. Riley still seemed much like a pup shifting at the slightest emotional triggers and environmental stressors. Since he had decided to stay we had been slowly introducing him to the Royal pack.  He'd had several stressful situations in which his shift had forced itself out to defend him. One instance was as we passed the training grounds and another was his first meeting with one of my three parents. The most intimidating of the three former werewolf kings. Cody. 

Of course, my dad was very understanding he always was. That first interaction made me make our introductions to papa and pops short and sweet. But today would be one of Riley's biggest challenges. We had been summoned to have dinner sitting with the king and his mate. I could sense Riley's fear through our fragile bond as I walked us toward the dining room. Half of the pack was here for dinner. 

"Just remember that I am here, your safe as long as you stay close" I reassured him giving him my best-encouraging smile. 

"I know" He whispered as he tried to hide behind me further but not touching me. 

I wasn't going to let anything happen to him. Walking further into the room I groaned internally as I spotted several male werewolves my age walking toward us. Blue went on the defensive in my mind right away her presence sharing control in my consciousness. 

"Princess Victoria it's so good of you to finally take a meal with the pack" The first spoke, obviously the leader of the three. 

"I have been busy Vernon, now if you'll excuse me the kings are waiting" I replied positioning my body so Riley was better hidden. 

"Oh is that another excuse from the mighty firestone princess. Too good to be seen with werewolves" the second asked as he stalked around me I bearly restrained a growl. 

Too close to my Riley.

"Of course, she's too good for us. I heard she found her mate. but what's with this pathetic little runt" the third and final werewolf stated as he flanked my other side. 

"Princess" Riley questioned softly his voice cracking his stress and fear so thick I could taste it. 

I needed to get him away from this before he shifted and Scout attacked anyone. 

"Your mate won't even use your name. What good is a broken little omega when you could have a strong and virile mate instead?" Vernon huffed his eyes glaring daggers into my mate. 

"What? And I suppose you're strong and virile. You who couldn't even beat me in hand-to-hand combat in human form. Now back away slowly and cease your insults of my mate" I warned a growl starting up in my voice as I felt my claws and fangs sharpen. 

"Whatever, let's go boys," Vernon said before he and his lackeys disappeared back into the crowd.

My breathing was ragged as I tried to calm down enough so my shifted features would receed but it wouldn't work. Blue wanted blood I could practically taste it. The need to chase and eliminate the threat to my mate was nearly overwhelming. Vernon had always been the most difficult of the males who'd wanted my attention.

"Princess you can let go now" Riley broke the tension snapping me out of my thoughts.

Turning around my cheeks flamed as I realised Blue had forced my tail out and it had securely wrapped itself around Riley possessively just barely touching him. Shaking myself out I seized full control and retracted any of my none human body parts. 

"Anyway let's get going my brother is waiting," I said and started walking to which Riley fell into step behind me. He didn't have to walk behind me but he refused to walk beside me and I wasn't going to press the issue further.

We got to the top table shortly after where Lucian and Edward were already waiting. 

"Tia and Riley please sit and then we'll get the staff to start serving" Lucian offered a smile reaching up to his golden eyes as he gestured to the two extra chairs at his table. 

"Thank you, Luci" I responded before pulling a chair out for Riley and gesturing for him to sit down before I took my own seat. 

Riley's fear had lessened but it was still there just under the surface. His nerves seemed to be fluctuating as his eyes fluttered around the room settling on the doors before moving away again. He seemed to do that every time we entered a room always looking for the fastest way to escape. 

"Bring out the food" Lucian spoke over the room his voice causing a hush to settle in the room. 

The food was served not a moment later as maids and butlers hurried to place food on every table. I said thank you as they placed our plates down. Lucian ate first before anyone dared to eat any food and with a slight nod of his head noise erupted in the hall as people started eating. Cutlery clanking on plates and the noise of several different conversations all at once. 

"It's nice to finally meet you, Riley. I'm Lucian and this is my mate Edward" Lucian introduced himself to Riley before pointing at Edward who nodded before going back to his meal. 

"It's nice to meet you too your Majesties" Riley responded bowing his head as he nibbled at his food he was still nervous but I would be shit scared in his situation too. 

"Oh, Tia before I forget. That vampire in the dungeons will be handed over to some of the vampire council's representatives to be punished in accordance with their laws" Lucian spoke and the whine that left Riley was sharp and pained as his fork clattered on his plate. 

"When will they arrive" I questioned a rumble in my chest. Something didn't feel right. 

"A week today. Don't worry Tia they just want to take him for proper punishment. It'll be routine" Lucian assured but I still didn't trust that. 

"Don't worry Riley I will be by your side always" I whispered my hands flexing in worry as I looked down into Riley's brown orbs. 

The Princess' Scarred Omega (Royal Werewolf Series Spin Off 1)Where stories live. Discover now