Chapter 7

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-Riley's POV-

I was confused about why she had taken me. She said I was her mate but that can't be true. I am a nobody, I am worthless and unworthy of anyone's love. What if she was just trying to gain my trust to hurt me more. Master was surely angry with me for allowing her to take me from him. A whimper left my lips at my thoughts. 

"The princess will be here shortly" A nurse spoke and I nodded before flinching as she tried to touch me. 

She had left me in this room with a doctor and several nurses while she went to see Master. Was she buying me of him like he had done from my parents? A shudder racked my body at the possibility. 

"Well son, I don't know how you are still alive, constantly flushed with toxins and nearly completely drained" The doctor spoke absentmindedly. 

I knew what he meant. He was saying it would have been better if I died. 

Pulling my knees into my chest I wrapped my arms around my knees. They were all so tender and gentle with me but where were their harsh words and nasty looks. Even the bed I was currently sitting on was too soft and too clean. I didn't deserve to be on it. 

"Here honey, clean clothes" One of the nurses offered as she put down a bundle of clothes at the bottom of the bed before backing away from the bed. 

"Thank you" I mumbled keeping my eyes downcast and not challenging his authority. 

"The Shower is through that door too, we'll take our leave now" The doctor spoke pointing out the door he meant before gathering his instruments and leaving the room. 

As they left I gingerly reached for the clothes they had left. Bringing them towards my nose I sniffed and tears sprung to my eyes. They were new and they were clean. Shuffling through the room quietly keeping my steps small and light so as to not make too much noise. If I was caught would she punish me? Something in me said she wouldn't but the niggling dought was strong. 

Entering the bathroom and locking the door I let out a sigh. It was spotless and shiny. A large bathtub and shower combo on one side. A sink with a mirror over it and a toilet. A towel rack and a few flourishes here and there. I shouldn't be sullying this area with my unclean self. My injuries still burned. I had refused to show the medical staff my back, arms and legs. I still felt lightheaded too due to Master's last feeding. 

Turning on the water as I stepped under the shower after I had dropped my clothing rags. The water felt good. A warm shower. I can't remember the last time I had a hot shower. I grimaced as the water touched the gashes in my back that the whip had made. Reaching for the soaps I tried to use as little as possible. It wasn't mine and I felt bad for using it. When I had finished I turned off the water and stepped out. Catching my reflection in the mirror above the sink my breath caught in my throat. 

I hadn't seen my reflection properly for years. 

I was skinny, almost too skinny to the point where my bones were almost visible. My hair was a mop of unruly brown curls. My eyes were a deep sad brown with eye bags under them. Looking at my neck I winced it had been savaged many many times. Without my thick iron collar to cover them each bite mark was defined some pale scars and some redraw. Shaking my head I turned away from the mirror. How could that princess want me I was broken and I couldn't even shift. 

After I pulled on the fresh clothes I was given I sucked in a breath and opened the door to the bathroom. 

She was here. 

Her presence made me feel safe but it was also dangerous. She was dangerous I could feel it. She was powerful. Not the powerful that Master is but a more dangerous power. Something that was wild and untamed as well as ancient. Looking at her briefly she was tall even when sitting with a strong build and flowing platinum blond hair. I looked at her eyes for the breifest of seconds and discovered they were silver. 

"Are you my new Master" I asked only to wince when she snarled at my question. 

"No" She breathed as if trying to restrain herself as she gripped her trousers in a white knuckle grip.

"Then you must return me to my Master before he becomes angry again" I whispered averting my eyes as another growl ripped from her throat. 

What did she want. If she wasn't my new Master she needed to return me to my current Master. 

"Riley" The princess spoke. My name on her lips almost sounding like a purr. 

"Yes Princess" I answered as I tentitvily took a step forward before sitting at her feet. 

"It's Victoria, or just Tia to you my sweet little mate" she stated. 

"But I couldn't, Your a princess and I'm a nobody" I uttered hanging my head and putting my hands in my lap. 

I heard her sharp intake of frustrated breath and prepared myself for a strike but it never came. Cautiously I looked up to see tears had welled up in her eyes and started to fall. But why? Why did she care. Her tears were wasted on someone like me. 

"Riley. You are my mate. Have you been taught about mates before" The princess asked as she gently lifted my chin so she could look into my eyes. 

"No princess" I replied shaking my head as I tried to avoid looking into her eyes. 

"What about your shift can he not feel our connection" She questioned pleadingly. 

"I can't reach him, he is there but I haven't heard him talk in 12 years. I haven't shifted for that long too" I answered with a sigh sadness taking over my being as I was missing a crucial part of who I was. 

"That means you can't feel our bond can you" She asked another question as she finally let go of my chin and I resumed looking down at my hands. 

"I am drawn to you, but I feel no special bond" I whined feeling like a failure in front of this princess. 

"Get some sleep we'll think on it tomorrow. I'll be in the room next door if you need anything. Have a good night sweet Riley" offered the princess as she got up and walked over to the adjoining room. 

As the door closed behind her I whispered a quiet goodnight. I was so confused. A princess shouldn't care about a slave like me. I was dirty and easily replaceable. Huffing out a breath I took a pillow and the blanket of the bed and curled up in a corner of the room. The bed would be far too soft for me to sleep peacefully on. Hopefully tomorrow she'd curse me or hurt me. That would be better than caring about me. 

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