chapter 13

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-Riley's POV-

I grumbled softly as the princess ran her fingers over my head fur and horns. Today was the day the vampires were coming for my former master. Scout had forced a shift while I slept because I was so stressed. 

"I'm sorry" Scout whimpered but by the tone of his voice, I could tell he was not sorry he just wanted pets from the princess. 

I couldn't blame him though her fingers were scratching just the right places. The room was filled with her scent and her heart was as strong as her presence, which lulled me into a sense of security. I was getting better with her touch and soothing words but doubts still lingered. As I relaxed further into her touch I felt my body shrink. Oh no. 

"Let's get you some clothes" the princess spoke clearing her throat as I looked down at my naked body. 

I felt myself heat up as I caught the blush on the princess's face and my nose picked up the scent of her arousal. I quickly grabbed a blanket to cover me laughing nervously as she looked at me with a hooded look before she shook her head. 

"Princess," I asked in concern. 

"I'm alright Riley, I just need a moment. Get dressed and I'll be next door when you're ready" She responded her voice deeper than I had heard it before. 

"Ok," I said meekly as she walked into her room adjusting her legs awkwardly. 

I lay still for another two minutes until I heard her shower start and then I got up. I felt powerful for being able to make her want me without even trying. 

"Mate is so patient and kind" Scout yipped dreamily into my mind causing my heart to give a slow thump in agreement. 

Chuckling softly I went to my bathroom to do some business. When I was finished I caught my reflection in the mirror and a soft gasp left me. I was a rosy pink on my cheeks, neck and ear tips. But even more striking was that I no longer looked too skinny. I was filling out nicely and my eyes looked brighter than they had in a long time. 

Leaving the bathroom I picked out some clothes from the dresser before putting them and some shoes on. Then I found one of the several jumpers I had stolen from the princess and put it on. It swamped me as it hung off one of my shoulders and the sleaves covered my hands. But it smelt like her and I loved her scent. As I brought the jumper to my nose I heard the door open. 

"I swear he's trying to kill me with cuteness"  A thought from the princess slipped into my mind causing my already heated body to heat up more. 

"Calling Princess Victoria and her mate, they are to be present at the prisoner's hand over" Lucian's voice rang in my head making me jump. I don't know if I'd ever get used to the pack mind link. 

"Let's get going eh Riley?" the princess questioned with a small grin. 

Noding I took the hand she had offered to me smiling softly as butterflies swam in my stomach. 


-Victoria's POV-

As we headed down the stairs I was grinning like a fool. He was holding my hand and it was making me feel like a giddy teenager. He was growing more confident and comfortable by the day and I was super proud of him. As we got down the stairs into the grand entryway Lucian and Edward were waiting for us. 

"Took long enough" Lucian teased in jest as he let out a laugh. 

"We'd have been here sooner if you'd called us in enough time" I sassed placing my free hand on my hip. 

"Yeah, yeah, now get in line our quests have arrived and the guards have brought that vampire" Lucian ordered. 

I heeded his order taking my place beside him with Riley who hid himself partially beside me. 

"Now announcing the arrival of Dutchess Belle and her advisor Ernest Renolds" A dragon-shifter at the door called out as she opened the large castle doors. 

At her name my blood boiled, she was the one who had tried to control me. What was her angle. Blue roused from her slumber in my mind as her gaze fixed upon Riley her claws flexing on my mind as she forced a bearly heard low growl from my chest. 

"We welcome Dutchess Belle and her advisor. unfortunately today is just a hand over so we apologise for our lack of preparation" Edward echoed his voice formal and stiff. 

"Your magesty, the prisoner arrives" the beta of the pack Cameron spoke into the growing tension.

I didn't hide the snarl that bubbled up my throat at the sight of the Baron as Riley squeezed my hand in fear. The different emotions in the room were dangerous for someone who couldn't control their shift or abilities. 

As Nigel was handed over his cuffs remained in place but he fixed his stare on Riley. 

"Hiding behind a princess eh little runt. Be a good boy and clear this up so me and you can go home. You are mine I am your master. now stop this foolishness and return to me" Nigel hissed and with every word I practically tasted Riley's fear and anxiety and doubt. 

The room was quiet as those words were spoken the tension in the room becoming thicker 

"NO" Riley shouted sparks jumping of his body in all directions due to his stress. It must have taken everything in him to defy his former master.

"Calm down sweetie" I tried but he wasn't hearing me as more electricity bounced of him. 

I yelped as a stay bolt hit my arm scorching my skin. His thoughts were leaking into the pack link but all I could pick up was. Venom. fangs. pain. Riley let out a heart renching whine as he curled into himself on the floor. 

"You heard him, he said no now take the criminal and go" Lucian stated his words harsh and he addressed the party of vampires. 

"This isn't the last of us" Nigel shouted as he was hauled away by the Dutchess who met my eyes and smirked. 

I gave them no mind as I had to calm Riley before he hurt someone. My arm burned as I watched several more sparks leave his body as he mumbled no over and over again. My heart hurt to see him this way. Everyone had cleared from the entry way as Riley's element had gotten stronger leaving us alone. 

"Riley, you're safe, I'm here. No one is taking you anywhere" I tried only for his powers to lash out again this time hitting my hip. 

Gritting my teeth through the pain I pulled him into me before using my hand to tilt up his chin. His eyes had misted over he was in a memory as tears fell from his eyes and and whimpers and soft whines left his lips. 

"I'm sorry but this is all I can think of" I spoke before leaning down and placing my lips on his in a light kiss. 

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