Chapter 18

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-Victoria's POV-

I really needed a new job my body felt stiff as I finally closed the doors to my quarters for the week I was here with my brother. Day in and day out there were talks upon talks. I was beginning to grow frustrated as a feeling of foreboding kept building and building and Blue was stressed. That was never a good sign from my shift. But what kept me going was that in the next few days I would be home and have my Sweet Riley in my arms again. I hope he is still continuing his training in my absence he was making great strides with electric manipulation before I left. 

Yawning I decided it was time for some rest. You'd never think sitting around all day would be exhausting but it was especially the tension that was always present when rulers gathered. Falling into the bed I had been assigned I was pulled into unconsciousness almost immediately. 


Opening my eyes I was met with oppressive darkness. The inky black surrounding where no light shone unless a vision was playing. Walking forward I grunted as my legs sank into the darkness the feeling like sludge and it was then fear clawed at my heart and mind. The darkness always caused fear but this fear was so all-consuming that nearly lost the will to keep fighting the darkness and let it take me. The only thing that made me keep fighting was an image my brain supplied to me of  Riley who was looking at me with a nervous smile. 

"Show me why you have brought me here" I shouted my voice bouncing from every direction several times. 

I was stuck but I kept fighting my way through, I had to get to where the scene would play out. It felt like it took hours but I finally found the large screen of foresight as I had dubbed it after it had led me to Riley. Upon reaching it I stilled as a chill went down my spine. The images were fast as past present and future blurred although the constant factor was always Riley and his suffering. 

Each of the times he was fed from, beaten or controlled. I stood my ground as I watched these I had seen before and even if they hurt to watch the dream would not let me go until I saw what it wanted me to. When the scene finally shifted I held my breath in anticipation. 

The scene started in a forest with Riley sleeping in his shifted form while three creatures in their human forms kept watching. Each of the guards perked up their calm demeanours changing to alert in a split second causing Riley to lift up his head. In The next few moments, each of those guards met their end brutally each being killed in a different way. Riley let out a discharge of electricity but it was ineffective he was injected with something by a blowdart and he fell and resumed his human form. After which he was captured. And always by the same person the female vampire who had tried to control me.

The scene changed several times some outcomes were different, some the same. Sometimes the guards lived and sometimes they died. The only constant was that Riley was taken each and every time. 

"Release me, I have to save my mate" I roared but I was trapped watching my mate be taken again and again until my fear and rage gave way to utter despair. 

He was waiting and I was trapped in my own dream. I needed to save him. I thrashed and fought, bit and clawed. Heated my skin to burning temperatures and still, nothing worked. Why was I always so weak when he needed me? 

"Riley" I screamed his name providing strength and helping me push past my limits.

The fire from my body finally glowed silver and chased away the darkness of my dream and I finally understood. The reason I only saw Riley when I dreamed was that the darkness blocked out everyone else. Now it was as if I was seeing the suffering of everyone I knew and more. It lasted seconds before the darkness closed it but It gave me clarity. I would have to stay until I awoke the rules of this place would not bend. Not unless you made it. 


-Nigels POV-

I hissed at my last remaining servant, the others were dead I had taken their lives in a blood craze. Breathing in I smiled as I felt her pulse jump in fear. The bodies spread out before her giving her sight of what would happen. Cackling madly I attacked my fangs already down and claws out. Ripping into her and coated myself in her blood while drinking from her severed head. I'd always wondered what would happen after drinking the most addictive blood and then not being able to possess it. 

"It seems I have made quite a mess and there's no one left to clean it" I grumbled trying to retract my fangs but they would not leave. 

If human addiction patients got violent when not given their fix I suppose it was fitting for this to happen to a vampire. But why had this only happened to me and not all those I had let drink from my pet, was it because I was so dependent on his blood as a food source? No matter it was time to collect my property from any who would keep him from me. 

Dashing out of my office I cared not for the lives I had taken nor the possessions I had left behind what I desired was hybrid omega blood I felt weak without it. An ancient Vampire dutchess and a stuck-up Hybrid princess would not keep from me what was mine. It may take me a few days on foot but nothing would stop me in my quest for his blood. My blood. My food. My omega. 

"Master is coming to get you, Riley, I hope you have had a good holiday boy, You'll never get another one" I roared laughing as all the forest creatures ran away from me.

The Princess' Scarred Omega (Royal Werewolf Series Spin Off 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu