Chapter 5

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-Riley's POV-

I kept behind my master as we entered the Firestone castle. He didn't bring my leash today it would have been seen as bad etiquette by the dragons and werewolves, especially to one of their own. But then again I was not one of them and I never would be. All I am is food. The suit I was wearing was wasted on me but I knew it was for the benefit of my master's hosts. As soon as we reached the room we would be staying in I would be forced back into my rags. 

"Keep up" Master hissed as his clawed hand gripped my wrist painfully. 

"Yes master, sorry master" I whimpered as I picked up my pace falling into step my head down so as to not attract too much attention. 

Stealing glances around the castle I sighed as I spotted the royal artwork, portraits of the previous kings and their offspring the princes and princesses. As well as priceless art from around the world. Another thing that would likely make Master angry. I had read about the formation of the current werewolf kingdom and how the previous kings had never known they were royalty until they had met their mates and overcame many hardships. 

The scents in the castle were also cloying and thick as scents of dragons, wolves, hybrids and all manner of other creatures attacked my senses. Luckily due to my shift's absence, the smell of the place was the least of my worries. A strange scent clung to my nose though as if it was calling out to me but I ignored it. My place was at my Master's side as his food supply. 

Once we arrived at our room, a butler bowed before he left us alone. I wanted to call out, to say something. But I knew that no one cared and that was just the way it was. 

"Come on boy" Master spoke gruffly as he pushed me into the room. 

I caught myself before I fell and winced as the injuries I had sustained the previous day burned. Master had not yet fed from me but he was impatient too and I could tell. 

"Change your clothes and then sit at my feet Riley" Master purred his compulsion prickling the back of my mind but otherwise ineffective. 

"Yes Sir" I replied and hurried to do as he bid my muscles screaming in pain at every motion some of the lashes on my back are yet to heal. 

"That's a good boy following my orders" Master hummed as he opened his trunk chest my chain leash rattling as he opened it. 

Once I was finished changing I folded up the suit and put it on the side. Rushing to his feet I kneeled there presenting him with my collared neck to him. I heard his fangs click down as his eyes rested on my neck. My fear was thick as I prepared myself for his toxins.

"You are to be on your best behaviour when I leave, do not open the door to anyone. The dutchess has asked me to present you before her in a few days and I need you to be good for me. You can do that right Riley" Master purred his voice silky but full of threat. 

"Yes master, I understand" I answered quickly trying to calm my heart as I heard the dutchess had an interest in me. 

"Now pet, bare your throat for me" Master commanded and I did so without hesitation. 

The strangled scream that left me was one of fear more than pain but it hurt. His needle-sharp fangs pierced my neck and drained me of my life force. I cried and whimpered as tears fell down my face. He had made his toxin extra powerful by not feeding for a few days. My vision was turning dark at the edges as excessive blood loss over multiple days finally caught up with me. 

"Rest my pet, I will come for you after the ceremony" Master claimed as he let go of my neck his fangs tucking back into his teeth so that it looked like he had a harmless human mouth. But that was a lie he was dangerous.

"Yes, Master" I whined as I fell backwards my limbs supporting my weight. 

The last thing I felt was Master attaching my chain leash and bolting me to the floor. 


-Belle's POV-

"Dutchess why did you let that lowly insignificant Baron take your place at King Lucian's announcement" One of my clan asked. She was my heiress, Kathrine. 

"Because he has something I want and I am treating this as a business exchange" I explained smiling at her slightly. 

"But why have him take your place," She asked. 

"Because one of the princesses is suspicious of me and she warded away my compulsion. Not many can withstand an elder vampire" I answered walking towards her and tapping her nose with my finger lightly. 

"But what could he have that would sway you this much" She questioned her head tilting to the side causing her blonde hair to fall into her eyes. 

"His blood slave Riley. His blood is the best I have ever tasted and my tongue itches for more" I replied my fangs dropping down as I remembered his exquisite flavour. His brown orbs looked up at me with fear as his eyes bubbled with tears after I had fed from him. It had renewed my desire for blood.

"It is rare for you to desire someone else's blood slave" Kat hummed thoughtfully bringing her hand to her chin in a gesture of thought. 

I just nodded in agreement. That one was special. A wolf-dragon hybrid yet to shift and pure of heart and body. Most blood slaves in this age got off on it but not that omega he despised his role but he knew what it was and it was enough to have my old soul calling out for ages past. That princess too was odd, even if her shift had warded me away her human mind should have still succumbed to me. I want a taste of the Firestone bloodline too. I would eventually get my hands on both as long as Nigel doesn't screw up his role in my plans. 

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