Chapter 6

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-Victoria's POV-

I breathed in and out to try and calm my nerves as quests arrived from all the known kingdoms to hear of Lucian's announcement. Those who lived in the castle were already well aware of his pregnancy but there was still custom. I was on edge knowing if something went wrong I had to protect my brother the king. Dressed in my royal robes for the occasion. I spotted several of my siblings in attendance. Smiling wide when they looked my way to not relay any of my concerns. They knew me as the happy sister who loved pranks and I didn't want that to change anytime soon. 

Scenting the air my shift stirred a little but I got no indication anything was wrong so I continued to watch the guests sit down in their seats. When everyone was seated and talking amongst themselves and their seat neighbours. I grinned as Lucian and Eddie pushed open the doors to the throne room. My brother and his mate were all kitted out in their own royal attire and walking hand and hand to their chairs on the stage at the end of the ballroom. As they sat down a hush went over the entire room as everyone waited with bated breath for the kings of dragons and werewolves to speak. 

"Welcome one and all to the Firestone Castle, we thank you all for heeding our summons. Today we would like to make an announcement. As you all know my mate and I were only recently crowned. It seems like we are expecting. I am pregnant with the future ruler of werewolves" Lucian announced through the room and I spotted him cringing from the volume of the cheers that had erupted. 

"In the next ballroom, there are refreshments we hope you help yourself to, we will join you momentarily and will greet each and every one of you, Please leave out of your nearest exit" Edward continued his voice booming through the voices that had arisen. 

The announcement was short and then each of the quests rushed to get to the next ballroom to greet the kings and congratulate them. As they moved a scent came to my nose that had me springing into action immediately. Following the scent, I found myself leaving the ballroom and up to one of the guest's quarters, I knew the quarters belonged to a vampire but inside I scented a weakened wolf-dragon hybrid.

"Go inside" My shift Blue growled and she was normally silent so I knew something was wrong.

"Alright," I said. With a breath, I barged into the door bringing it down with my weight the wood creaking before it splintered.

As soon as the door gave way I was on my feet and crazed as I finally figured out why the scent had intrigued me so. In the corner of the room was a small man in tattered clothing and his neck, wrists, and legs were covered in savage bite marks in various stages of healing. There was a thick iron collar around his neck that was attached to a chain. I had heard of blood slaves before but most I had seen were well dressed and properly taken care of as most vampires she knew had a heart.

"Please don't hurt me" the man's voice was but a whisper as he trembled with fear his brown orbs looking up at me terrified. He sounded small and meek and finally it struck me. He was an omega which was extremely rare for wolf-dragon hybrids.

"Tell our mate we would never hurt him" My beast spoke a whine leaving her snout at the thought.

"I would never hurt you, my little mate, lets's get you free and healed up" I stated as I moved towards him and the way he flinched backwards hurt but I understood.

"Please if he catches you he will hurt both of us" the man whimpered as I wrapped my hand around the metal collar and squeezed until it broke the pieces clattering to the ground.

"I don't know who he is, but he has severely pissed off a Firestone princess" I growled as I heard footsteps run up the stairs to turn and enter the room.

"What are you doing with my property" A hissed snarl came from the door no doubt the magic I had felt when breaking the collar had summoned him here.

"Your property, this man is a person and more importantly he is my mate so I will no longer permit you to use him as you like" I snarled as I turned to face the vampire standing between him and my mate.

"Princess Victoria, this is all one big misunderstanding, if you will kindly move aside I will collect my things and be on my way" The vampire sneered though his eyes were fixed on the omega behind me.

"No I don't think I will, the man behind me is my mate, he is not leaving my side for any reason until I can assure his safety without me" I stated deadly calm as my beast pumped strength into me as the vampire moved quicker than the human eye could see.

I grabbed him just before he passed me and slammed him to the ground, his head smacking into the ground and knocking him out.

"Guards, take this man to the dungeon, I'll see to him after I have ensured the safety of my mate" I ordered the castle guards who had rushed to the room to see what the commotion was about.

"Yes, princess" Three guards chorused as they took the vampire away.

Turning around I saw the shocked expression on the face of my small mate. As he stood up I noticed he was 5'5 and with me being 6'0 he was so much smaller than I and his frame was so thin. Too thin. Swooping him up into my arms I headed straight for the medical wing.

"What's your name, darling?" I asked as he squished himself into me at every person we passed.

"Riley" he whispered his voice trembling in terror as he tried to make himself small and invisible in my arms, hiding from everyone and the world. 

I am going to murder that vampire for what he has done to my sweet little omega. But first I had to make sure Riley is safe and healed. 

The Princess' Scarred Omega (Royal Werewolf Series Spin Off 1)Where stories live. Discover now