Chapter 8

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-Victoria's POV-

I sniffed as tears gathered at the corners of my eyes. He looked so dejected as he looked up at me. I had had to stifle a growl upon first seeing him. The low collared top that he wore clearly showed his neck. Bite marks each fresher than the last and I'd bet that wasn't the only area on his body covered in bite scars. My Visions had given me most of the story, but seeing my mate suffering and broken was near too much for me. The worst was that he couldn't feel the mate bond between us since his shift had locked itself away. How would I be able to help him heal if he didn't trust me?

As a tear fell onto my hand I shook my head and decided it was time to see that Vampire. Wiping my eyes with the back of my hand I stood from my bed and walked out of my room. Looking down the corridor I spotted the two dragon-shifter guards I had posted outside of Riley's room. 

"Don't let anyone near this room for now, and if my mate asks for anything alert me immediately" I ordered as I pinned them with a glare. 

"Yes, Princess" They replied together as they shuffled on their feet nervously. 

Leaving them to their job I descended one of the staircases down to the bottom floor of the castle. The dungeons were a few miles away from the main castle so as to not be around the young of the Royal pack. Starting towards the door I growled as a hand on my shoulder stopped me. 

"Shouldn't you be in bed Lucian?" I gritted out as his scent entered my nose. 

"Not when my sister is going back to interrogate a Vampire who is locked in the dungeons" He responded as he let me go to stand in front of him his pregnant belly sticking out as he waddled. It wouldn't be much longer before he gave birth. 

"He had my mate in a magic iron collar of service and he was chained to the floor. That is no way for modern vampires to be acting with the council of royals' new laws" I snapped flashing my canines as Blue pushed on my mind to hurry up. 

"Careful sister, remember who is King" Lucian spoke as his golden eyes fixed me in a stare that told me even if I was angry I shouldn't disrespect my king. He was taller than me by 3 inches so he cut an intimidating shape.

"I'm sorry Luci, it's just you didn't see him, he's so scared and his shift is so far into his subconscious he can't feel the mate bond" I whispered as I averted my eyes to appease him. 

"I'm so sorry to hear that Tia. I just wanted to let you know that the Vampires name is Baron Nigel Smith and he is in quite a lot of dept to a Vampire Dutchess named Belle" Lucian informed before stepping to the side. 

"That's odd, I met that dutchess the other day and she said that baron's territory was being threatened by a new pack" I hummed tapping a finger to my chin in thought. 

"That is odd well anyway I have a few last things to take care of before bed so good luck with your interrogation" Lucian spoke before he walked away with a yawn. 

Shaking my head I continued on my way out of the castle. Dashing through the forest in human form I made it to the underground entrance. Two werewolves were lying down in their wolf forms outside and I knew there to be three guards inside from my previous trip here. Stepping closer I knocked on the entrance. With a rush of steps and jingling keys, one of the guards appeared and opened the door for me. 

"The prisoner is awake your highness," The guard told me as I walked further underground down the dungeon steps. 

"Thank you, you may return to your post now," I said as he handed me the key to Nigel's cell. 

The young wolf nodded at me and I made the rest of the way alone. There were rows of cells down here. Most were empty. Besides Nigel, there were 7 other prisoners most of which paid me no mind as they knew I wasn't here for them. As I neared Nigel's cell a hiss left him as his fangs snapped down in threat. 

"Good evening Nigel" I sneered as I looked down at the man. 

"Oh you know my name now, that didn't seem to matter the last time you came to beat the shit out of me" Nigel groaned in pain as he tried to sit up further against the wall he was leaning against. 

I grinned as he winced in pain every now and then. I had broken some of his ribs, fractured a few fingers and broken his nose. Not to mention his two black eyes and busted lip. It had been satisfying to cause him a fraction of the amount of pain Riley had received. 

"Hurt him more, our mate suffered because of him" Blue snarled into my mind as she flexed her claws causing a sharp pain in my head. 

"Soon" I promised.

"It didn't matter then, I have also just recently learned you owe Dutchess Belle quite a bit of money. Were you going to give her Riley just to pay off your debt while she tried to make it out like the EarthSlide pack was infringing on your territory" I stated with my arms crossed. 

"What is it to you what I do with my own property" Nigel spat as he stared at me with disdain. 

"A person is not property. And I know for a fact vampire laws have been changed in regards to blood slaves by the vampire Royal family" I growled the sound echoing in the underground space. 

"Ah yes, the Vampiric Royal family have gone soft since 50 years ago when the previous king's son found his mate" Nigel replied as if he was offended. 

"That means progress is finally being made and it's people like you who hinder that. Now tell me how did Riley come to be with you" I questioned my rational mind only hanging on by a thread as a cloud of heated smoke left my nostrils. 

"His parents owed me money so they sold him to me. And I'm glad they did. Did you know hybrid blood is the most powerful and omega blood the most delicious when it comes to werewolf blood. He is like a drug and I paid for him as such he is mine" Nigel hissed as he moved vampire fast towards the bars. 

Reaching out I grabbed his hand just before he reached me and grinned as I felt my fangs and claws elongate as heat radiated from my hand.

"You forget who has the power here. I am Victoria Firestone. A wolf-dragon Princess and sister to the wolf-dragon King. And Riley is mine. Mine to love, mine to cherish and mine to help heal" I growled in his face watching in satisfaction as he flinched backwards.

"It burns" Nigel cried as he tried to pull his arm away.

"Good" I laughed. "Now tell me the names of Riley's parents and their last known place of residence" I demanded as Blue pushed more heat into my hand.

The scream that he let out was music to my ears as the smell of his burnt flesh hit my nose.

"Alright, alright. Let me go and I'll tell you" he reasoned as his scent became thick with pain.

"Tell me now" I ordered refusing to release him.

"There names are" he started.

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