Chapter 2

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(Y/n's POV)

The stage hands help get the set and props ready while I help out over in makeup. With his arm flat on the table, I put some of the fake tattoos over Jamie's red marks.

"Tell me if it hurts too much," I say as I see him wince.

He just winks and says, "You can be as rough as you like, y/n."

"Well I've got to be careful, I know how fragile your ego is and I wouldn't want to break it."

His blue eyes twinkle as he smirks at me, but I just focus on his arm. I shiver slightly and I can feel the cold metal against my neck.

"What?" I ask as I feel his eyes still on me.

"You're cute when you're concentrating."

I choose to ignore this comment.

"No witty comeback?" He asks, eyebrow raised.

"I'm busy," I mutter as I put the finishing touches on his tattoos then move to his hair.

"Gentle now," he warns, "if you don't do it right, we'll have to find someone to replace you."

I don't bite, but continue to put gel in his hair.



"You alright?"

I look him briefly in the eyes, "Fine thanks."

He moves so I can't do his hair and says, "What's going on?"

"Nothing," I say with a sigh, "Now sit still so I can finish your hair."

He begrudgingly sits back in the chair and lets me finish his hair in silence, though I don't miss the looks he gives me in the mirror.

What I don't tell him is that today marks 2 years since I had to put down my Golden Retriever. He was my best friend, my everything. But one day he got sick and never got better. I keep a picture of him in the locket that always stays tucked under my shirt.

 I keep a picture of him in the locket that always stays tucked under my shirt

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(Jamie's POV)

She fixes her gaze on a rebellious strand of hair that refuses to stay put. With the magic of some gel and a bobby pin, she tames the hair.

"Thanks," I say, smiling genuinely at her to try and make her feel better.

She opens her mouth to reply, but gets called away by another impatient actor for a touch up.

"Hey, Martin," I beckon to him as he walks past.

"What's up?"

"You and y/n are pretty close right?"

"Yes..... Why?" He looks at me suspiciously.

"Well, is she alright? She seems down today."

"I thought she would have told you," he seems surprised. "Today's the anniversary of Sam's death."

My thoughts for some reason go straight to my brother. "Sam?"

"Her dog.....?"

"Ah," the realisation sets in. I've seen her looking at pictures on her phone of a golden retriever, but I didn't know his name was Sam. Or that he'd passed away.

"You didn't hear it from me, got it?" He points a warning finger at me before strutting away.

I just nod in silence before I turn back to look at y/n. She's painting makeup onto Lily's face, laughing at something she said but the smile not quite reaching her eyes. I feel bad for not knowing how important today is for her, but I can't make a big deal without letting her know that Martin told me. But she needs someone to be there for her.

"Let's run the scene!" shouts the director.

Well I guess I'll have to wait.

(Y/n's POV)

"And..... Action!"

I take a seat by the makeup station as I watch as the scene unfolds.

We're currently filming The Mortal Instruments film, and it's the scene where Jace, Izzy and Alec fight the vampires at Hotel DuMort, whilst Clary tries pointlessly to protect Simon.

Watching them battle is mesmerising. Jace is so strong and powerful and confident, perhaps a bit cocky actually. Izzy is brave and stands her ground. Alec saves Jace without a split second hesitation. The storyline is fantastic in my opinion, though I do have to laugh at Simon and Clary hiding under the table. I don't particularly like Clary, she's too mopey and woe-is-me for my liking. And she ends up with Jamie. I mean Jace. Clary ends up with Jace.

I hate the fact that I'm a bit jealous of a film character, but I suppose my head's always been in the clouds and I've always fallen for the hot, fictional guys. At least they can't let you down.

The green screen makes the image on the camera look that much more realistic.

The green screen makes the image on the camera look that much more realistic

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The scene ends when they escape up to the roof. Clary falls on top of Jace and they just lay there, staring into each others eyes.

"Cut!" the director yells. "Perfect guys, that was perfect. Everyone take 10!"

I catch Lily and Jamie staring at each other, even after the scene ends.

I slip away and make my way to the bathroom.

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