Chapter 22

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(Y/n's POV)

Oh god. He's changed his mind. He doesn't want me after all. Is he going to tell me that he did actually choose Ellie and he's dumping me? Am I too broken? Is that why he doesn't want me.

"What's going on?" I ask as calmly as I can.

"I was speaking to Lily earlier."


"She told me that you heard me tell her about what happened."

I sag slightly, relieved. That could have gone so differently.

"Oh, yeah. Don't worry about that. I know you trust her not to spread it, and I trust her, so it's all good."

"Even so, I promised not to tell anyone, I should've come to you first and I am so sorry."

"Jamie, it's fine. Really. Is that all? Cause it feels like there's something more to this."

"Not really. It's just that.... I know I've done bad things to good people. Treated girls badly. I've lied and cheated too many times. And I want to be with you. But I want to do it right. And I feel like I'm not doing it wrong if I start off by breaking your trust."

"You haven't," I take his hand in mine. "I promise. It does really mean something that you felt guilty about that, and told me straight away, but you haven't done anything wrong. And I believe that you can be different, and you can change. As long as you actually want to, of course."

"Absolutely I do. You deserve someone to treat you right. And I want to be that person, but I know I need to change."

(Jamie's POV)

I do feel really guilty for telling Lily. It wasn't my place to tell her, no matter how trustworthy I think she is, it wasn't my secret to give away.

We're interrupted by the sound of the potatoes boiling over.

"Crap!" I say as I take the pan off of the hob.

I stand there, staring at the pan in my hand, not sure what to do.

There's a noise from behind me.

Y/n is stumbling slightly, struggling to stand properly cause she's laughing too hard.

"You really can't cook can you?" she manages to choke out.

"Well I'm glad you find this funny," I fake offence but pretty soon start laughing at my own stupidity.

"Come here," she says as she walks over, hand out.

As I pass the pan to her, out hands touch. It's like electricity.

Her eyes meet mine and we stare at each other for a moment.

I start to lean in, but she blushes and takes the pan from me, walking a safe distance to the sink with it.

"Can I kiss you before you go today?"

I don't want to force her to do anything.

"We'll see," she says, but I see the shy smile that creeps onto her face.

(Y/n's POV)

I try to concentrate on the potatoes, draining the water from them and putting the pan on a hot mat on the counter, clenching my hands a little to try and still the shaking.

"Hey," he says softly as he walks over to me. "Are you okay?"

"Mhmm," my smile doesn't quite meet my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have tried to kiss you."

"No, no. It's fine. I want to, I just don't think I'm quite ready yet."

"That's okay. We can go as slow as you want."

He holds my hands as the shaking calms down.


I just nod as I wrap my arms around him in a hug.

I just nod as I wrap my arms around him in a hug

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"It's okay," he says into my hair. "Everything's going to be alright."

He sniffs once. And again.

"Jamie, are you smelling my hair?"

"Can you smell that? It smells like burning."

"Jamie, the oven!"

Smoke is starting to escape from the oven door as the fire alarm goes off.

"I'll sort out the oven, can you open a window?"

I quickly go open the living room window to let the smoke out as Jamie retrieves the burnt casserole from the oven.

He sighs.

"Do me a favour, would you? If you ever meet Sam, don't tell him about this."

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