Chapter 20

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(Y/n's POV)

"To be honest, I probably would've told you at some point anyway, but he swore not to tell a single person and I wasn't ready for anyone else to find out yet. Can I really not trust him with anything?" I ask Lily as we sit in the quiet coffee shop.

"Maybe, maybe not. Maybe he told me because he trusts me and knows I wouldn't tell anyone, maybe he told me because it's a big secret for one person to keep to themself. Problem shared is a problem halved and all that."

"I don't know. Perhaps you're right."

"But ignoring the fact that Jamie told me, how about what he actually told me about? How are you feeling?"

I laugh dryly, "As good as I can I suppose. I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be feeling right now."

She takes my hand across the table. "Hey, it's not like some instruction manual on how to get through something like this. You're entitled to feel however you feel, think whatever comes to mind and speak about whatever you want to say."

"Thanks Lily. It does feel really nice, having someone on my side."

"Y/n, I'm pretty sure that anyone you tell is going to be on your side. Jamie certainly is."

"You know, he keeps saying he's going to end it with Ellie, but I really don't know what to think."

"Funnily enough, we were talking about that before we came out today. I'm so mad at him for the way he treated me, treated you and treated her. I said to him that he needs to untangle this mess and sort out what he really wants."

"And? What did he say?"

She smiles at me, "He said  he was going to use today to talk things through with Ellie. To tell her they're over."

"Really?" My hope lifts slightly.


I go to take another drink from my mug but find it's empty.

"Same again?" Lily asks as she stands up.

"That'd be brilliant, thank you."

As she takes our empty mugs to the counter, I check my phone and find some unread messages from Jamie and Martin. I check Martin's first.

Heyyyyy gurl. U know that guy I met? I mean ofc u do cuz I don't shut up abt him lol. But anyway, he's asked me out on a date! Like a proper date, not just drinks at a club, but like a posh restaurant kinda date. Gurl what do I doooo? Obvs I wanna go but I'm kinda scared ngl. Bitch help! xxxxxx

To which I reply, Calm down M! Sounds like a great idea to me, u seem really into him. I'm out with Lily atm but I'll call u when I'm free! xxx

Then I check the text from Jamie.

Hi y/n, I think it's only fair I let u know I'm seeing Ellie today. But.... It's so I can break up with her. For good. I want to be with u, exclusively. And I want to be the kind of man u deserve. I hope u can give me the chance. Maybe.... Come over one evening this week if ur free? I can cook and we can have a proper chat, face to face. X

Who's that?" Lily says, placing another cup of tea in front of me.

"It's Jamie." I show her the text.

"Ha, good luck. He can't cook to save his life so you might want the pizza place on standby."

I laugh as I take my phone back.

"Seriously though. What are you going to do?"

"I think.... I think I'm going to go. Not just to speak to him about that, but because I don't really want to be on my own at the moment and he's still a friend above anything else."

"Y/n, I know we didn't really speak a lot, you know before the stuff started up with Jamie, but I'd like to think we've become friends too."

"We have. Of course we have."

"Well, if you don't want to be on your own then you could always stay at my place for a bit? I know Jamie's offered you his spare room but, if you're not ready for that then I've always got a room you could take."

My heart twinges at the kind gesture.

"Thanks Lily. That means a lot. Really. I think I'll go to Jamie, see how it goes when we talk, then decide. So I'll let you know? Is that alright?"

"Absolutely. It's always available if you want it."

We spend the rest of the afternoon chatting about the film, other projects and just gossiping in general until we both agree that it's time to go home.

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