Chapter 25

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(Jamie's POV)

The lights are still twinkling as she tells me the story, making it seem less dismal.

"So that's why it affected you so much," I say, "the thing with Brian. They found him in the bathtub."

She shrugs with a sad smile and eyes shining with tears. "Just an unlucky coincidence I guess. I'm just grateful to my neighbour. If it weren't for her, I might not be here today."

I squeeze her hand with mine, "I'm grateful to your neighbour too. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Have slightly messier hair?" She jokes.

"Ha, yeah probably."

She looks around her at the strings of lights and the blossomed fake flowers. "Are we even allowed to be here?"

It's my turn to shrug. "No idea, but we had a key so it's not like we're breaking in."

"True. But we should probably go soon, right?"

"Not quite yet. There's one more thing."

Still holding her hand, I pull her up until she's standing in front of me.

"Close your eyes."

She gives me a suspicious look, but obliges.




The overhead sprinklers turn on and we get caught under the falling water.

"Jamie!" she squeals as the cold water soaks us both.

"What?" I say innocently. "It's nice."

I gently pull her down the steps until we're both standing on the fake cobblestone path and I hold my other hand out to her.

"May have this dance?"

"Jamie Campbell Bower," she says to me, "you are a crazy man."

"Yes I am," I agree. "It's what makes life worth living."

She burst out laughing and takes my hand, and together we dance under the rain. I say dance, neither of us know how to dance, so she puts her arms around my neck, I put my arms around her waist, and we sway to unheard music, even adding a twirl to spice it up a bit.

 I say dance, neither of us know how to dance, so she puts her arms around my neck, I put my arms around her waist, and we sway to unheard music, even adding a twirl to spice it up a bit

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I pull her back into me until we stand flush against each other.

I say without thinking, "I love you."

(Y/n's POV)

I stand there, with water falling down my face, and give him a huge, genuine smile.

"I love you too."

He grins so wide I think his face might crack.



He tips my chin up to face him properly, before leaning down and kissing me.

The next day

"Y/n!" Martin yells at me. "Girl, get over here!"

Jamie leans down to my ear, "Now that I know, him being gay has become so much more obvious."

"I don't know how you didn't notice before," I giggle. "He's not exactly quiet about it."

"Hmm, I guess I was just too worried about him stealing you from me."

I tut at him. "So jealous."

"You love it really."

"That's what you think."

He smirks and presses a long kiss to my lips, "I'll see you later."

I nod and nervously tuck my hair behind my ear as he walks away.

"Um, wow." Martin says as I walk over to him. "PDA in the workplace? Who are you and what have you done with y/n?"

"Ha ha Martin. I'm just happy."

"Yeah, you look it. Did you get some last night?" He winks and nudges me.

"Ew! No I did not, and please never say it like that again."

We both burst out laughing.

"Come on then! Tell me about your man, when's the first date happening?"

"Girl please, it's already happened. You've been too wrapped up with JJ McSteamy over there to notice."

"Nope. Never call him that again."

"How about-"



"Nope. Tell me about yours!" I insist.

"Well, he does have a name, you know. Bobby and I-"


"Yes, Bobby. Why? What's wrong with his name?"

"No, nothing. I just didn't expect him to be a Bobby."

"Well what does that mean?"

"Nothing bad, just that he looks smokey and hunky. Like an Xavier."

"Oooh that's a sexy name."

"But go ahead, tell me about.... Bobby."

I snigger as I start to make his cappuccino.

"Oh shut up, you. Anyway, Bobby and I went on our first date to this really posh restaurant. And oh my gosh he's such a gentleman. Total sex god, but so charming."

"Sounds like you're in love," I tease him.

"You're one to talk. I think I am though, I can't lie."

"You should tell him."

"Ha. That's about as likely to happen as you telling Jamie you love him."

I glance at Martin out of the corner of my eye before going back to the coffee.

"Shut up," he says as he flops in a chair. "No way."

I smile shyly and nod.

"Oh my god! I'm so happy for you! When?"

"Last night."

"What?? Well how did it come out?"

"Well, he said it first. It kinda slipped out, I don't think he meant to say it out loud yet, but I was so happy and knew I felt the same way. So I said it."

"Girl, you make it sound so simple."

"Martin, when has my life ever been simple?"

"So true, can't lie. But you're right. I want to tell Bobby I love him."

He grabs his phone from his jacket and starts to walk away.


He freezes and slowly turns back, but I just grin.

"Don't forget your coffee."

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