Chapter 5: Chocolate Apologies and Wrong Names

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Chapter 5: Chocolate Apologies and Wrong Names

For the past few days, Lauren has been avoiding me when she can. Whenever I see her in class, she just ignores me when I try to speak to her. She acts is if I'm not there at break and lunchtime, and only talks to the other girls. Then after class, when all of the girls and I hang out together, she totally blanks me and pretends I don't exist. Being the persistent person I am, I continue to try and get her attention but she doesn't want to hear any of it. So I just give up.

The other girls notice that there's tension between us, but they don't bring it up for fear they may make it worse or anger Lauren. I tell them about what I accidentally said to Lauren and they have no response; they are just as clueless as me when it comes to finding a way to apologise to her so she'll listen.

I know I really have upset Lauren and I pretty much offended her relationship; that's what I wanted to avoid, but looks like I just made it worse.

I hope she doesn't ignore me forever; I only just became friends with her and I don't want to lose her because of my big mouth. And we also still have to perform our Spanish dialogue next week and we haven't practiced since. Technically, we could perform it and she could do amazingly well and get a good grade, then I could do really bad and fail.

Anyway, right now I am in my last lesson of the week: English. I absolutely love English for many reasons. One being that it doesn't require revision when it comes to exams which is always a plus, but the main reason is because I absolutely love to write. It allows my creativity to have no limits and whatever I write can be interpreted in so many different ways and hopefully, people would be able to relate to it differently, too. Also, writing takes on so many different forms; newspaper articles, magazine articles, novels, songs, and my absolute favourite: poems.

Currently, we aren't working on anything in particular so I'm actually curious to see what we do in today's lesson.


"Okay class, before you depart and do God knows what, you have homework," my English teacher, Mrs Chester says causing the class to groan, including me.

"Now, now," she scolds slightly. "It isn't a boring homework. It's a fun one!"

We all groan again, even louder this time, knowing that when a teacher says a homework is 'fun', it isn't.

"It's in for Monday," she starts to explain, ignoring our protests, "and it's an independent piece."

My ears perk up as she says this; I love independent pieces because it means we can pretty much write what we want within reason.

"I want you to write something that expresses all your feelings for something or someone you admire, like, or love," she smiles brightly. "It can be written in any form as long as it is suitable and able to be handed in."

The class start to mutter between themselves as the teacher continues. "This is the perfect introduction for when we study Romeo & Juliet in a few weeks, and it also allows me to get to know how you guys write."

Someone beside me raises their hand and Mrs. Chester nods at him, waiting for him to ask his question.

"Can we write about food?"

Everyone laughs, including the teacher who lets out a small chuckle. She nods and says, "If that's what you admire, like or love, then why not?"

The boy nods and smiles to himself, probably daydreaming about food.

"Oh, and I want you to try and dig outside of your comfort zone a bit," she adds before we all start to pack up. "Challenge yourself a little."

The bell rings just on time and she dismisses us. I pack up my things and exit the classroom, glad that the school day is over and I have the weekend to relax. Well, aside from the English homework I now have. But I don't mind it though because I love English and the homework is anything I want it to be.

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