Chapter 40: Weird Costumes and Emotional Films

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Chapter 40: Weird Costumes and Emotional Films

I'm a banana.

You think I'm joking? Because I'm not. I'm literally dressed in a banana suit. And do you know who's bright idea this was?

If you guessed Camila, you guessed correctly.

"Y/N, come on! We need to get there before they do!" Normani's voice shouts to me as she races past me with Ally and Camila, who are also wearing banana suits.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming!"

You must be really confused so let me start from the beginning, shall I?

Last week was Dinah's eighteenth birthday and yesterday was Lauren's nineteenth birthday. Of course we said happy birthday as you would expect, but Camila, Normani, Ally and I all agreed that they would also be expecting the usual surprise birthday party and presents because we were still at school, so we decided to do something different and not give them anything or celebrate in any way possible.

I promise we aren't mean.

As I said earlier, yesterday was Lauren's birthday, meaning that both of their birthdays have gone and we haven't done anything for them. So, today, the girls and I have organised a surprise birthday party in the gym, where we will have a surprise for them along with all their presents. It's perfect because they won't expect it. Awesome, right?

Now, you're probably still confused about the banana suits. That is all Camila's idea. She wanted to do something different and managed, (I still don't know how), to convince us all to dress as bananas for the party. Meaning we are all dressed as bananas. Weird, but that's that.

I'm sure you're also curious to how Lauren and Dinah reacted on their actual birthdays. Well? This is how it all went down...


"We said we would meet Normani and Lauren in their room now," Ally informs Camila and I as we drag ourselves out of our beds.

It's six in the morning and we all know how much Dinah hates being woken up early, and seeing as it's her birthday, we decided to do just that. How nice are we?

After brushing our teeth, we remain in our pyjamas and bound over to Dinah's room excitedly. The girls and I have a plan to not give her any presents or a party, but Lauren doesn't know about it. She obviously bought Dinah a present and tried to convince us girls to throw a party, but we straightforwardly said no, leaving her confused.

"About time!" Normani whisper-shouts when she opens the door to her room, allowing us all to walk in.

"Sorry, but some people wouldn't get out of bed," Ally says, not-so-subtly sending Camila and I a glare.

Camila pouts as I back away from Ally, knowing that sometimes she can get grumpy in the morning. Yeah, sunshine Ally grumpy? It's possible.

"Hey, leave her alone," Lauren defends me, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me close.

I smile as I lean my head on her shoulder and she kisses the top of my head. There's no place I would want to be aside from her arms, I swear.

"What about me?!" Camila whispers with crossed arms.

Lauren and I laugh and Lauren spreads out her free arm for Camila, who happily leans in, too.

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