Chapter 32: Official First Dates and New Experiences

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Chapter 32: Official First Dates and New Experiences

It's been a week since Lauren and I have been together officially. Aka, the best week of my life. At first, we gained confused looks from others around campus, but when they actually bothered to ask us, they discovered that we were together. Of course, seeing as Lauren was quite popular before I joined, the girls and I became relatively popular, too. Meaning everyone had to know about what was going on in Lauren's life.

At first, I was nervous to act affectionate to Lauren in public, but when she treated me how she does usually when we're alone, I felt more comfortable. I am so happy, that I even ignore the glares I receive from Ashley.

Oh, God, you should have seen her face when she saw Lauren and I kiss. It literally looked like she was going to explode. It was awesome.

Anyway, right now I am getting ready for some date Lauren planned for us. Our first date to be precise. My first date. I've never been on a date, so of course I'm extremely nervous. Well, I guess I went with Duke to that dance, but I don't really count that as a date. What do you even wear to these things?! She hasn't told me where she's taking me, so I have no idea what to wear. All she's said is that I should wear something that's casual and won't make me feel too hot. So helpful, I know.

"What about this?" Camila suggests, pulling out a chequered black and red flannel and waving it in front of Ally and I. "You could match it with a cute scarf and some skinny jeans."

"I like that, too," Ally chimes in, nodding in agreement.

They both look to me and wait for my reply. Meanwhile, I study the outfit and try to imagine myself in it. I guess I could wear my new boots with it...

I nod my head and take the shirt from her hand. "Yeah, I'll wear it."

They both grin and usher me to get ready. After finding the rest of the clothes and putting them on, I make my hair and face look somewhat presentable, and then look to the girls to see what they think.

"Perfect." Ally smiles at me, giving me a thumbs up. "Lauren is going to love it."

I sure hope so.

"Speaking of Lauren," Camila continues, looking up from her phone, "she just text me saying she's on her way here to pick you up."

The thought of her being near causes my stomach to do somersaults. I'm about to go on my first date, oh my god.

"Don't worry," Camila seems to notice my nervousness, and places a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Everything will go perfectly fine. I promise."

I smile gratefully at her and nod my head, trying to convince myself the same thing.

A knock on the door brings us out of our conversation and Camila walks towards it, but not quite opening the door. Meanwhile, I'm screaming internally.

"You ready?" Camila asks me with a raised eyebrow. I nod my head, knowing I can't be any more readier than I am now, and she opens the door.

In walks Lauren with Dinah and Normani trailing behind. They all walk in, due to Camila's request, and Lauren stops before me, looking me up and down with an unreadable expression.

"If it's too causal, I can change," I speak nervously, playing with the hem of my shirt.

She shakes her head and smiles at me, making me visibly relax. "It's perfect, Y/N. You look beautiful."

A blush spreads across my cheeks as I look anywhere but at her hypnotising green eyes. Instead, I focus on what she is wearing and see that her signature black skinny jeans hug her legs perfectly, matching with an electric blue cropped shirt that just happens to show a sliver of her perfectly toned stomach. To finish it all off, a blue fedora sits on her nearly curled hair and let's just say that she looks as beautiful as always.

A Not So Innocent Crush | a Lauren/You Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن