Chapter 23: Spring Break's and Nice Smells

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Chapter 23: Spring Break's and Nice Smells

Have you ever felt an overwhelming happiness inside of you? So large that it slowly takes over you and there's no way for you to stop it? Because that's how I've felt for the last two months.

It's been almost two months since Lauren and Ashley separated and I didn't think I could feel anymore happier in life. Obviously I was wrong.

After performing 'One Wish' at karaoke night, Lauren fully got over Ashley and didn't even seem to care for her anymore. Instead, she enjoyed being single and spent more time with the girls and I, to "celebrate her independence" as she likes to say. It's really cute.

Now, we have all broken up from school for Spring Break, but instead of going our separate ways like our original plan, Lauren invited us all to go and stay at her place for the holidays. Her parents invited us so we can spend Spring Break together by going to the beach and having a family barbecue and whatnot. They just wants to get to know Camila, Ally and I better, seeing as they are already familiar with Normani and Dinah. After much convincing, we all said yes and our parents didn't mind and instead, encouraged us to get to know the Jauregui's. So it's settled. We are all going to the Jauregui's place this Spring Break.

"Are you sure you all have everything?" Lauren questions us for the millionth time today, her eyes darting between the girls' and I's. "I have spare things at home, but it would be easier for you guys to have everything of your own."

We are all currently waiting in the school car park with our luggage for Mike and Clara to arrive. Other students are here, too, waiting for their family members to pick them up for whatever exciting holiday they have planned for this Spring Break.

The girls and I decided on bringing only one suitcase each for our things, seeing as the holidays were only for two weeks so we won't need too much. However, Dinah somehow convinced me to allow her to put some of her things in my suitcase for the extra space. Her argument was that because I don't really wear makeup or do my hair, she was making up for that space. Yeah, not very convincing, but she's Dinah so I allowed her. 

"For the final time, we have everything, Lo," Camila exclaims, laughing lightly at Lauren's stress. "You seriously need to stop stressing. What's the worst that could happen?"

Just as Lauren opens her mouth to speak, Dinah intervenes. "Well, one of us could forget to bring a toothbrush and then Lauren would have to lend them a new one but may accidentally give them one of ours and then said person gets germs and dies."

I raise my eyebrow at Dinah, along with Normani and Ally who are looking at her like she is a weirdo, which she technically is. Camila is laughing uncontrollably and Lauren seems to be deeply contemplating that scenario.

"What? It could happen!" she points out, raising her hands in defence. "I'm not dying 'cause you girls don't have personal hygiene. Dinah Jane doesn't roll like that."

"Dinah!" Ally scolds her, smacking her arm lightly, resulting in Dinah to jump up at the sudden contact.

Normani now joins in with Camila's laughter and I just roll my eyes at the girls' 'normal' behaviour. I see Lauren seems to still be thinking about something.

"Don't worry, Laur," I send a reassuring smile her way and place my hand on her arm, causing her to look my way. "We've all got everything. No one is going to die." I look to Dinah as I say this and she playfully glares in return.

"Thanks, Y/N. You're right. Everything will be fine," she smiles at me gratefully. My heart rate increases drastically and I'm pretty sure it's going to fall out of my chest as she takes my hand that's on her arm, in hers, and squeezes it thankfully.

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