Chapter 34: Blonde Headed Demons and Best Friends

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Chapter 34: Blonde Headed Demons and Best Friends

***I recommend listening to the song linked above 'cause that's the song in the chapter, and it's an awesome song haha***

Have you ever had a time in your life when you feel like everything is perfect and nothing can ruin it? Or, when you've felt such an immense happiness and you can't help but wake up and even when there's no birds tweeting, that's all you can hear? Or, when you imagine your life is a movie and you've reached the ending where it gives the viewers chance to imagine a perfect ending and there's nothing bad to happen? Because that's how I've been feeling recently. I've never felt like this before, so it's a first, but I can say that I love the feeling. And that feeling is all thanks to one person.


God, I never imagined what the feeling of love would be like, but now I know and I don't ever want to not feel it. And the feeling of being loved is an even better feeling. Ever since Lauren told me she loved me, we have both been saying it to each other whenever we can, but obviously not overusing it so it has no meaning. I hate when people do that.

Anyway, on a different note, guess what today is?

May 31st.

Guess what that means?

Normani's eighteenth birthday!

She's turning eighteen today, wow. Guess what that means, again? We've planned a surprise for her. A literal surprise party for her. We can't go anywhere because we're still at school, so we managed to convince the teachers to give us the school gymnasium as a hall for the party. As long as we invite the teachers and students. We said yes, so now we have it all decorated and everything. Let me tell you now. It's extremely difficult to decorate a huge gymnasium without someone knowing its for them, especially when that someone hangs around with you all the time. But we managed it.

"Presents?" Lauren asks me, her eyes reading the checklist she wrote on her Notes app on her phone.

We are both on our way to the gymnasium, ready to make sure everything is done. The other girls are doing their own tasks. Ally and Dinah are in charge of keeping Normani at bay but bringing her here when everything is ready, and Camila is in charge of making sure that the decorations and such are ready in the gymnasium. Lauren and I have just checked on the cake that the canteen have baked up, and are now on our way to check on Camila.

"Check," I respond with a nod.






"Che–" I pause when I realise what she said. I turn to her direction and furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Huh?"

She leans her head out and points to her cheek, motioning for me to kiss her. Of course. I roll my eyes playfully and lean in, kissing her gently on the cheek. She smiles once I pull away and I can't help but smile, too, no matter how cheesy she is.

"Okay then, that's everything," she says, locking her phone and placing it in the pocket of her jeans. "We just need to–"

"Lauren!" someone calls out from behind us, causing Lauren to stop talking and turn around to face the person who called. It's a girl in our Maths class called Raven. She, along with a few others, are helping the girls and I to prepare for the party.

"What's up?" Lauren asks her once she's by our side, along with another girl who is helping out.

Raven catches her breath for a second before saying, "We have the music ready, but we just need you to check it quickly."

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