Chapter 16: Completed Demos and First Dates

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Chapter 16: Completed Demos and First Dates


"Are you one hundred percent sure this is the final copy?" The tall blonde woman before us says with a raised eyebrow. Aka, the girls' Music teacher - Mrs Clay.

We all glance at each other nervously before staring at her and smiling, nodding confidently.

We are currently handing in the finished demo for their Music class and we are relieved to see it finished. It took a lot of hard work, but personally, I think it's amazing. Professional even. Their harmonies sound perfect on all the tracks and I'm pretty proud of the songs I wrote, with the girls' input, of course. The EP consists of six songs: Don't Wanna Dance Alone, Miss Movin' On, Better Together, Who Are You, Leave My Heart Out of This and Me and My Girls. They are all pop songs, but it fits their style for now. I really hope they get the grade they want because they honestly deserve it.

"Okay, I can't wait to hear it!" Mrs Clay exclaims happily, before placing the CD on her desk and sitting behind it. "I'm really looking forward to this. You all have amazing potential."

The girls blush and I smile at them, knowing how bashful they are. They just smile awkwardly in return, reminding me of myself when I get compliments. It's good to know I'm not the only awkward one in the world.

"I hope you all enjoy yourselves tomorrow night," she continues with a smile, "you deserve it greatly."

By tomorrow tonight, she means our dance. Seeing as we break up for our Christmas holidays in a few days, the school are throwing a Christmas party/celebration/dance thingy. Whatever it's classed as, we are all attending it and it's like a goodbye before we reunite at the start of next year. All of us girls are going together, aside from Lauren who is going with Ashley. But Lauren will see us there, so it's not all bad.

I admit, I am jealous that it's Ashley who gets to go with Lauren and not me, but I know there's no way I'll ever be able to escort Lauren to the dance, so I don't dwell on it too much. The girls have been there for me ever since our camping trip, because they know how strong my feelings are for Lauren. I'm appreciative for their support, but they need to understand that it's not doing much. It's not bringing Lauren closer to me, is it? There's just nothing they can do.

"Thanks, Miss," Normani says for us all with a nod. "We'll see you after the holidays, yeah?"

"Yeah," she nods, standing up and leading us to the exit of the Music room, "and I hope you girls enjoy your break."

"You, too," Camila smiles kindly at her, before we all smile at her, too, and follow Ally out the door.

Once we hear the door click shut behind us, we let out a sigh of relief.

"It's done," Dinah says, seeming relaxed for the first time in days. I don't blame her. We have all been tense about handing in this EP. "Finally."

"Now all we can do is wait," Lauren says, biting her lower lip with anxiousness. I notice the other girls look antsy, too.

"Don't worry, guys," I speak up, hoping to reassure them, "I know you've done amazing. It's over now. All we can do is forget about it for now and enjoy ourselves till we break up for Christmas, yeah?"

They all look at me and visibly relax, smiling lazily at me as they know I'm right. I can't help but smile at them, too. I'm glad I can make them feel better; they don't deserve to feel worried. Especially when I know they've aced this EP.

"Now let's get back to our dorms," I continue with a happy mannerism, "we have dresses to attend to."

They grin at the thought of the dance being tomorrow and nod frantically, before speed walking out of this building and onto campus, along with other bustling students.

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