Chapter 93-94

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Chapter 93

That night, the people he sent (ghosts) found the ledger at Zhao's house and also at the magistrate's house. He copied another copy of the ledger and sent it to the capital together with the memorial.

As for himself, he never went to 'Xiaoyao Pavilion' again, but buried himself in writing in the inn.

The person who knew the prefectural government waited for him eagerly, and he did not intend to rush to Jiahu to take office.

There were special personnel that Emperor Qi left him, and it took a few days for the memorial to arrive at Emperor Qi's desk.

In the memorial, An Yinong denounced the inaction of the magistrate of Zhanghua County, and called him the head of a county. He accepted bribes, colluded with bad businessmen, officials, and businessmen. Prostitution cave.

In addition, there are even more important officials in the court who act like tigers and poison the people. The harm of these officials is no less than that of the ten armies and bandits.

Therefore, he requested to immediately remove the magistrate of Zhanghua County and send someone who could use it.

Emperor Qi replied secretly on this matter: Zhanghua County magistrate dismissed him for investigation, but because he couldn't find anyone to take over for a while, he simply worked harder for Zhizhou, picked two positions on one shoulder, and temporarily replaced Zhanghua County magistrate.

Just in case, Emperor Qi also gave the imperial decree to investigate the local magistrate, the gold medal of 'as I am in person' and the greatest authority.

An Yinong, who received the reply, was dumbfounded: "Is the appointment so casual?" How

dare the founding emperor be so willful?

But anyway, the boss gave this kind of authority, then things are much easier to handle. An Yinong already had the right to dispatch some of the soldiers stationed there. Now, with the imperial decree and the gold medal, not to mention one Zhao family, even ten, he is not afraid.

"The local garrison gambles and prostitutes one by one, and they have long lost their energy, so I don't call them. Take my evidence and go to the Jiahu Garrison to transfer troops. It is an old rule that half of the gold and silver will be paid for the military (already reported )."

On the second floor of the Lucky Inn, An Yinong looked in the direction of the casino and pressed his hand lightly on the railing:

"Encircle the yamen and level the Zhao family."

With the bait of military pay, the garrison will soon come.

The little general headed by holding the imperial decree and the gold medal of 'If you are here in person', the first thing is to close the city gate, and the next step is to imprison the magistrate and the magistrate's family. The children of the Zhao family were also brought under control for the first time.

"What's this called? It's called catching turtles in the urn!" The young general laughed when he looked at the gold and silver he found. "I'm optimistic, these silver coins will be our rations, armor and horse grass in the future!" 

The soldiers' eyes glowed and they all said yes.

Seeing their eagerness to move, the general couldn't help but remind: "Don't harass the common people, don't damage their property, and don't let your eyes shine when you see a girl, the new governor is not someone to be easy to mess with, he will lose one as soon as he takes office. A ruthless character with a hundred heads."

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