Chapter 222

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Han Yu stayed here for three days, three days with An Yinong, inseparable during the day and night.

But having only just recognized each other, they were not in a hurry to further deepen their relationship, so the intimate contact stopped at kissing ...... and studying the muscles.

An Yinong was really in love with the muscles wrapped in that smooth and delicate skin.

"I knew you'd like it." Han Yu rubbed his head and smiled prettily.

An Yinong: ...... You sexy monster, sultry as hell.

It's not bad to hold your own especially satisfied body and kiss and rub it, and opening your eyes is your favorite face, it's that every day when he wakes up An Yinong finds himself being held by his hands and feet, as if a vine is wrapped around a tree, and he can't move, so he's helpless.

The first day barely tolerated it, the second day was 'it's better to sleep alone', and on the third day, they considered sharing a room.

The two would also tell each other about themselves, including their abilities, environment, friends and family, etc.

The new boss wasn't the type to stare at people with surveillance, which made them feel at ease. The only thing that made An Yinong feel a bit troubled was Han Yu's ability.

It was actually of the prophecy type, an ability that required him to enter a certain powerful organization to gain peace of mind.

"Should I become a civil servant?" An Yinong pondered this question.

After Han Yu arrived, the regular customers of Yangyang Pet Grooming Shop were surprised to find out that the young and handsome owner had a boyfriend. Tall, cool, and indifferent to anyone, but the boss said whatever he wanted, and he helped hand things to wipe his sweat when the boss washed the cats.

"Canine boyfriend, that clingy."

"Cat-oriented, high and cold."

Watching these two young lasses argue about White Crow's attributes, the assistant could only sigh silently, and looked at the sun outside, wanting to confirm whether this world was magical or real.

"Have a cup of tea." Xiao Wu brought him a cup of tea, the pet grooming store was not big in the first place, and now that it was crowded with so many people, it didn't have legs to stand on.

I don't know what's going on, these days there are a lot more guests coming, many of them are still mutated pets, forcing the boss to change the price list, doubling the cost of mutated pets.

That's it, but it didn't stop the mutant pets from coming to the owner's whitewash. And there were quite a few reptiles and amphibians that didn't grow hair and birds that didn't bathe too much.

It's hard to believe that the boss's reputation for being good at pacifying mutant pets has also spread.

So is it going to be busy from now on? No, I don't want to turn into a gyroscope.

But the paycheck will increase when you get busy, and the overtime pay for the past two days has been higher than the paycheck.

To play or have money, Xiao Wu is caught in a dilemma.

In the bathroom, An Yinong was scrubbing an ordinary golden hair, and he carefully blocked the dog's eyes with his hand to keep the water under the rinse from splashing into its eyes.

"I'm leaving tomorrow." Han Yu, who was watching him work next to him, said.

An Yinong's hand paused, "Rushed over there?"

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