Chapter 121-122

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Chapter 121

The fire of "The Royal Spirit Girl" has brought up a series of 'inside and outside world travel' themes.

The "Spiritual Girl" was a broken jade pendant, and blood fusion awakened the power to see the world of psychics. Then they awaken the power of 'seeing ghosts', 'seeing demons', and so on by breaking ancestral tablets, or something else.

Others are particularly creative, combining this change with awakening demon bloodlines and the like.

For a while, martial arts comics and yakuza comics, which are traditional themes, were suppressed.

The peers loved and hated this 'Gu Pan' who had gone off the beaten path, loving the new ideas he brought and hating the fact that he was so gifted to come on strong.

But everyone felt that this young cartoonist 'burst into flames', or because of a newspaper headline - 'Young Girl Breaks Family Jade Pendant, Wants to Find Demon Spirit'.

There are already readers who are addicted to the comic and imitate it in reality.

'Gu Pan' had to write on the serialized comic: This story is pure fiction, if there are similarities, it must be an accident.

When the serialization of "The Royal Spirit Girl" was king, the one-shot of "The Legend of the Desert Heroes of Devil City" also hit a beautiful result.

The one who left the magazine "Picture Friends" before, Zhen Weilong, his one-liner is not even a fraction of "The Desert". It was said that he was about to explode with anger.

"X, my one-liner is selling well, and many people are writing to me. --H"

"Congratulations, I've heard that young manga artists are very popular, maybe the love letters sent to you have swamped you. --X"

An Yinong looked at the incoming letter, then at the pile of drawings on his desktop, and gave a bitter smile. He hadn't told X that he had drawn two comics, so now he didn't have a bit of free time, not to mention falling in love, and he didn't even have time to do his homework.

"Dear X, please don't tease me, I'm busy preparing new drawings, where can I find time to date someone? And there aren't many people who know I draw comics. --H"

"He didn't tell his family about it? I'm the first one to know. (Not counting the editor)" Next door, Mr. Xie held the note, not knowing why he was a little happy.

This summer An Yinong was almost always busy at home, working day and night to create the next part of "The Maiden of the Royal Spirit".

Now he is drawing the heroine with the family knife to the Sky Island to participate in the 'Junior Spiritualist Competition', she encountered the black force 'Black Robe Organization' attack on the way, at this time, also came to participate in the competition of the Miao girl to save him. This young girl also came to participate in the competition, and she also has a purpose, kill the brother of the traitorous tribe.

While he was busy, An Yinong did not forget to write to his pen pal: "Today is also a busy day, life is not wasted. By the way, today let 'thank you' eat a lot of nuts, please control its food when you go back. --H"

Next door, Mr. Xie did not receive the letter from the 'little friend' until the evening, he went to the balcony, and the window there still penetrating light, it seems to have not gone to bed yet.

"Still up at this hour?" He looked down at his watch, "Always staying up late, what if you can't grow taller?"

"Dear H, considering that you are still a middle school student, is it better to be kind to yourself and not push yourself too much? Sometimes it's nice to get out for a change of mood, isn't it? --X"

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