Chapter 206

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Most of the public facilities in Rainbow City were activated, which meant that they could go up on an escalator, slide down the more than one hundred meters high aerial tube with a 'swoosh', or take a cool shower under a small waterfall, as well as go to the mini city to play house.

Rainbow City is a place full of surprises, they had enough of slides and walked to the edge of a huge square, only to realize that the city is not flat. Lying on the square parapet and looking down, there was a broken plain below, with a difference in height of at least a hundred meters.

The bored An Yinong counted and realized that the top floor of a thirty-three-story building below was this square.

A city full of magic ah.

Suddenly he saw a sparkling lake with strangely shaped boats floating on it, "Qin, want to go there and take a look?"

Well, that's the way to go. They then walked the inclined staircase for a few minutes until they reached the flat ground below. If you looked back from here to the square where they stayed before, it felt very different again.

"The design is ingenious." On one side of the plaza, there was a small waterfall, with a white-bearded hanging-face-like waterfall on the outside, a pool of water underneath with dark and light green plants, and a blurry cave entrance.

The water from the pool didn't go over the edge and turned into a stream that led down to the small lake they had been looking at before.

And before it does not seem to feel big boat, but now closer to see to realize that not small, and they are all building ship-like, there are two or three floors, like the strange shape of a house floating on the water.

Is it designed for the insect race that loves wet and water?

And on the other side of the lake, is a mountain range like a reclining goddess, the mountain covered with vegetation, rich green reflecting the lake's color, very beautiful.

The queen took the lead, and the twisted insect race also let go, since today can't die, then play to the death, at least come to a game, always have to return to capital.

In this play, they only perceived the benefits of this dream city a thousand years ago - any bug shape can just play, barrier-free travel, work and play.

Even the restrooms were designed with three types to take care of more than eighty percent of bug shapes.

"Wow - I want to play too! This city is so much fun, and there's a kaleidoscope park especially provided for us to mimic bugs, and I'd love to just plop down anywhere and be quiet and camouflaged all day. Instead of being called out for a walk like a rush."

"I love that waterfall, the sunlight, the waterfall, the plants, the rocks, the water baths don't even come close to achieving that!"

"I love that dune, how wonderful it would be to dive in and enjoy a warm sun bath."

The audience in the live broadcast room was about to die of gluttony, in the past, they were the only ones who had compassionate heartache for the contestants, and never thought that it would be their turn to have heartache for themselves today.

Although the things inside weren't high-tech enough, there was just a primal joy of liberating nature. Across the screen, their envious tears were almost flowing down from the corners of their mouths.

"The City of Rainbows, the City of Dreams, it lives up to its name. Can't these be preserved? It must have taken a lot of money and professionals to rebuild it, it's too bad to destroy it just like that."

"It's highly recommended to keep this game venue, not just the Rainbow City. I think those previous ruins are also very interesting. It feels like touching time."

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