Chapter 213

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The peaches were red and the willows were green, the swallows were flying north, and their car passed through farmland in a gush of the 'fragrance' of farmyard fertilizer.

The smell was bad, but the scenery was superb, a plowed field that was brown, a field of rapeseed flowers that had grown just right that was green, and large buffaloes that were hard to see in the city grazing by the side of the road.

There was also the river between these large fields, so the carts had to drive on a stone bridge. There was no guardrail on either side of the bridge, and people unfamiliar with the area were always a little frightened, but the children here had already walked across the bridge and ran to the riverbank to net small fish.

An Yinong poked his head out and saw three or five children, using a small fish net made of something unknown, netting small fish. Those small fish would pour into the mineral water bottles in their hands, and there was no way of knowing where they would go afterward.

Maybe they would die, something he had the most experience with, after all, he was a 'killer' who had raised many wild-picked animals to death.

Most of the wild critters were proud and refused to live at the hands of humans.

After the fields and a small park and activity center for the elderly, the original owner's grandmother's house was here. This side of the house is a regular two-story house with a yard, and at a glance, you can't recognize which one is the right one.

However, someone recognized An Yinong: "Hey, aren't you the grandson of Old Zhang's family, coming back to see your grandmother."

The old woman who broke the pods came up enthusiastically, but the next second Sting jumped down from the car, startling her: "Eh eh eh! What a big cat!"

She wasn't scared, she was just curious about how An Yinong raised such a big cat.

"Mutated." An Yinong reminded her.

"I know, I watch TV every day, how could I not know this?" The old woman was unimpressed.

"When I was young, baby leopards were coming down from the mountains. Leopards are also catlike, you don't mess with it, it doesn't mess with you. I'm not even afraid of leopards, but still afraid of a cat?"

In some aspects, the old man's ability to accept the young people is.

Not only does this old woman not find mutated pets scary, but she also genuinely feels, "Having mutated, it must be able to catch more mice."

"It's a master rat catcher." An Yinong said with some pride, Stinging doesn't eat cat food, only eats animals he hunts, technically it's not a pet cat.

"What a good cat, it's the rats that have been causing a headache all these years, it has to be this mutated cat to cure it."

Saying goodbye to the enthusiastic neighbors, An Yinong took Sting and his luggage to his grandmother's house. The front door of his grandmother's house was open, and before he could walk in he heard talking, four or five different voices all talking.

He crossed the threshold and the big iron door was touched with a creak.

"Eh, Yang Yang is back!" The first thing his brother-in-law saw was him, the second thing she saw was Sting, "And you brought a big cat with you."

Sting was too intimidating to the animals, from the moment it crossed into this small yard, the big black dogs and three-flowered cats, and yellow-feathered chickens in the yard were all quiet, motionless as they watched the big man's arrival.

"Meow." Sting sized up the animals in the yard and the people in the yard and concluded: they are all weak chickens, there is no danger, master you can come in.

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