Chapter 191

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Tina would need thirty-two materials to make the machine that would interfere with the Destroyer, and she listed all the things that might have those materials.

An Yinong was also nonchalant as he swept through the crowd and went straight to Ken's squad and spoke to them about it.

"Want to cooperate?"

Ken looked at An Yinong and nodded.

With the Destroyer's toughness, forcing their way over would result in heavy losses, and this was the best path to cooperate.

The two teams immediately came together, they took a car and headed towards Jianghong City, the car was also big enough to squeeze in so many of them.

Looking at their departing figures, those who knew Tina's identity were thoughtful, but no one followed.

"I remember there is an instrument that can interfere with all artificial robots."

"If it succeeds, we can borrow her wind, and if it doesn't, we have nothing to lose."

This way, it took them another two hours to make it back, and by this time it was already dark.

Those who had night vision were directly searching in the darkness, and those who didn't use various lighting devices. It was good that Jianghong City was brightly lit at this moment, which provided them with a lot of conveniences.

"When you feel discomfort, you have to come back here immediately." Qin looked at An Yinong, who had reached a critical stage of differentiation.

An Yinong nodded, "I know."

Many of the materials Teina wanted were uncommon precious metals, and they were going to go into hospitals and jewelry stores to take a look. An Yinong, on the other hand, chose to go into the laboratory building of a nearby university.

"They're the most generous with their experiments, they even take off their platinum rings to use as catalysts."

He then entered this university campus that didn't have a single person and was even a bit eerie and depressing and found the experimental building through the signage.

"Hiss ......" None of the buildings were categorized as classrooms, and he opened one only to find that the inside was a specimen storage room and placed in front of him were nine specimens of Bug Fetus lined up in a row.

The insect fetuses were very similar to the human fetuses he remembered, slowly changing from the shape of a tail to a four-legged crawling one. The large, ebony eyeballs just stared fixedly at An Yinong in the doorway, almost making him jump.

"The biology lab building and the chemistry lab building got mixed up?" The hairy An Yinong was about to close it when he suddenly saw a particular skeleton, and curiosity drove him to walk in.

It was a well-fixed, male skeleton of about one meter seven (judging from the thickness of the bones, the shape of the pelvis, etc.). It wasn't a real skeleton, but a replica, and the glass display casket still had 'Wei Dan No. 1 Replica' written on it, with a description of the replica underneath, such as where it had been excavated, roughly what period it was from, and so on.


An Yinong looked at the membranous wings folded up behind the skeleton. Next to the glass coffin were instructions for unfolding the membranous wings, these three pairs of wings had been folded three times, folded behind the back on weekdays, and unfolded when needed, unfolding to more than a meter and almost two meters.

The Queen is different from other bugs, other bugs have human form and bug form and can freely switch, but the Queen only has one form, that is the human form with three pairs of wings.

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