Chapter 175-176

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Chapter 175

Just like that, because of Qin's 'soft heart', these three people stayed behind, they didn't have portable tents, so they put on the hoods of their protective suits and activated the warmth-keeping function, and the three of them huddled underneath a protruding rock, shivering in the cold while sneaking a peek at An Yinong, who was keeping watch together by the fire.

He couldn't sleep and was fiddling with that flying machine to pass the time.

From time to time, the wails of players resounded outside, but no one went out, and neither did An Yinong.

In the middle of the forest.

"What's going on?" Unsteady on his feet, Eren was swept by the river to a body, at first he didn't realize there was a body next to him, but a bolt of lightning split the sky and lit up the world, and that's how Eren saw the body, along with the contestant's uniforms on the stone and the mission watch on his wrist.

The mission watches had stopped working, they were bound to the player.

The rain washed over his face, but he couldn't look back for a long time. Another bolt of lightning struck and finally woke Ellen up, he looked around in disbelief and recalled a call one of his suitors had had with him not too long ago.

He said that this time the game was very difficult, that the Shock Rack had been used to make a hundred-meter wave, and that there might be other natural disasters after that. At that time, Ellen didn't feel anything, it's not like he was a participant, but now ......

"Wait a minute! I can ease your mental paroxysm!" He stopped a group with a boat, these people were different from those who had passed by before, and Ellen was pretty sure there had to be a Higher Insectoid among them.

The other Bugs didn't have the annoyance of the rapid growth of their mental fields leading to sharp pains, and with their poor leveling abilities, Ellen waited for more than half an hour before selecting this group.

But what he didn't expect was that these people didn't even look at him as the boat rattled and floated by.

"Do you know who I am? I'm Phantom Worm! I can ......"

Before he could finish his sentence, invisible forces pushed over and shoved him into the hillside, and Ellen was so dazed by this that she could barely get up.

Ken's live broadcast whistled, "Don't even want Phantom Worms, straight man Ken is solid."

"I didn't realize that there are still Phantom Bugs in the game, a glance didn't see what it looks like, is it that scourge of the country and the people ah?"

"It's just no use to look good again, Ken they are retired soldiers, professionally trained, beauty is useless to them. That Phantom Bug is kind of the wrong person to look for, looking for those second-generation high-level bugs who don't know the hardships of the world is more like it."

Ellen didn't know about the taunts directed at him in the air, but he realized that the situation was not right. He hadn't encountered anyone like this since his differentiation, and this kind of ignorance was tantamount to a slap in the face for him.

It hurt him and woke him up.

Sweet pheromones worked wonders on the comfortable, not on those tempered in life and death crises, those who had always had a perverse tolerance for pain.

He looked to the other contestants who hadn't put much thought into it before, "To survive, one has to endure it as well."

Outside, the rain was still heavy, and the night was still deep, suddenly there was a strange sound of running water, and vaguely there were wails of players and hissing of beasts, the three players shivered even more, and a few minutes ago they were still one of them.

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