Chapter 177

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The two men continued to search the entire tribe.

From the traces left at the scene, these people had left in a hurry and had simply carried small, valuable items, with some relatively precious but bulky large clay pots, farming tools, and furniture left behind. There were quite a few large pieces of animal skins.

The water in the tank was half-full, and the water body had not yet turned green, as if the owner had left not even a few days ago.

"Something should have happened to the people here and they left the place in a hurry."

This tribe was surrounded by mountains, with a meandering stream right next to it, and they all had water in their homes, so it shouldn't be due to a drought. As for whether there was any possibility of a landslide, it was not very likely, the tribe was in the center, that is, if there was a landslide, it would not have much impact on them.

"Is it possible that it was a mountain fire?" He made an assumption, "Tribesmen who knew the danger of a mountain fire left in a hurry, but the mountain fire was extinguished for some reason, such as timely rainfall?"

Qin points to the wilted branch in the clay vase with an equally wilted flower hanging from it, "Spring is rainy."

Mountain fires rage mostly in the fall when it's crisp and windy to help.

Why figure out what happened, they stayed at this tribal site until the afternoon. An Yinong finds the temple that fell in the valley used for rituals and burials through the tracks left by previous generations.

It was the sixth day into the game, he looked at his mission watch, the number of survivors had decreased by a small amount, and he wondered what kind of evil the game was holding back.

The players were desperately trying to make their way to the north, but they still insisted on sharpening their knives, it was more favorable to find out clues than to advance blindly. The collapsed temple in front of them proved their thoughts.

The entire temple had used twelve ten-meter-high stone pillars, and now they fell to the ground along with the roof, folding into several pieces.

An Yinong searched the rubble for clues.

Qin watched him busy, the wall around him shook, he raised his hand, and invisible force lifted the several tons of debris on the ground and pushed them back to their original position one by one.

Everything was like a movie rewind, An Yinong froze as he watched the shattered temple recover before his eyes, and he turned his head to ask Qin if he was uncomfortable. But any time wasted at this point would be a disservice to Qin.

He turned on the light on his ring and observed the carvings on the stone pillars, the patterns spelled out in colored stones on the floor, and the larger idol of the 'Queen' right in the middle.

The carvings on the stone pillars were of various bug shapes, showing that the bug race had evolved into more complete bug shapes with greater combat power at this time of the year.

The bug race at this time of the year had a different division of labor between high and low ranks, but the difference in status was not great, as could be seen from the types and positions of the bugs on the stone carvings.

However, the current bug race was not as good as the ancient times, and the current bug race was directly divided into three, six, and nine classes because of the different ranks.

He then looked at the graphic on the temple floor, and it was the wings of a queen spelled out in six petals. There were visible cracks in the floor, running the length of the temple, a crack in the ground.

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