Chapter 185

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"Do you mind ......," said Qin, weighing his words, and An Yinong knew what he wanted to ask just by hearing the beginning.

"Don't mind being a widow, don't mind receiving enemies, catch ones then beat one."

"...... "Qin almost didn't catch the words, obviously it was a very serious and sad atmosphere, but after An Yinong's mouth, it became very irrelevant.

"I'm very strong oh," An Yinong looked at him with a smile, "It will feel good to be with me oh, not having to carry it all alone, enjoying the feeling of relying on someone else, it's not bad, right?"

"Well, you're strong, but I like you, it has nothing to do with any of that."

What lifespan, what enemies, what messed up world, all of this he didn't want to care about, Qin decided to face his heart squarely, "The first time I saw you, I already believed in the existence of love at first sight."

It was the atmosphere that was too good, it was the night sky that was too beautiful, An Yinong felt compelled, he moved in and kissed Qin, also interrupting Qin's confession, Qin's breathing was messed up.

The night was a black velvet curtain sprinkled with masonry, and the stars shone with light.

The eagle spread its wings and glided through the air. And the shadows of the lovers, who were linked in chains, were all stacked together, long black hair and short, loose, white, medium hair rubbing against each other.

An Yinong said that Qin's waist was thin, but it was his own that was so slender that one could lock an arm firmly around it. Qin embraced him with the satisfaction of having hugged the world.

The viewers of the live stream ground their teeth in agony in the darkness, one by one saying they were going to take it off and go watch another contestant, but the number of people in the live stream only went up and not down.

Despite the curses on their lips, their actions honestly chose to wait yet.

No one paid any attention to the contestants who were still struggling in the water, and quite a few of them pressed the 'give up' button, letting themselves be swept down the current to an unknown faraway place.

By the time the live stream restarted, both of these two had reached the other side of the river, and there was also Windchill coming over to join them.

Because of the darkness of the sky, the viewers didn't see their faces clearly, much less the result of these two people confessing or not confessing.

"I think it must not have been broken, otherwise after confessing and being rejected, how could the atmosphere still be so harmonious?"

"A successful confession can also be this harmonious."

"Don't argue upstairs, just look at how the two of them get along in a moment."

This box An Yinong and qin with wind chi dripping water it, the big river on the other side of the mud flats, a step on deep footprints, An Yinong also found the river fresh, just do not know can not eat.

This broken game is simply dangerous, before that place has food and drink, who would have thought it, actually is a sweet trap?

If it wasn't for the dream prompting them to leave tomorrow on time, then this moment would be one of those who had half of their face melted by the poisonous gas.

"Although we don't know what will be waiting for us ahead, but by the nature of this game, it's right to keep going inside."

An Yinong walked along the shore with a pant leg full of sludge, his ring emitting visible light from more than three meters away, which was currently their only source of light.

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